
Giveaway: 6 of TIME Magazine's Top 100 YA Books

Recently, TIME Magazine published lists of their Top 100 YA Books and Top 100 Children's Books of All Time, honoring new and old classics in these categories. You can check out the lists through the links above.

Candlewick Press had 10 titles from their publishing list that made it onto the lists-  6 Young Adult books and 4 Children's/Picture books.

To celebrate this honor, Candlewick is giving away a full set of their 6 YA books. These beauties right here:

Yep, one of you lucky ducklings will receive paperback copies of...

Related tangent: A Monster Calls is probably one of our (yes, this includes super critical co-blogger Alz) favorite books ever. It is a powerful story with haunting-gorgeous illustrations. We named it a Favorite Old-Timer Best Read of the Year and Favorite Family Drama in the 2012 edition of the YA Superlative Blogfest. So yeah, you want this book (and the others)!

So cross your fingers, enter the rafflecopter below, and thank the awesome folks at Candlewick Press for these goodies and for publishing such delightful books! Giveaway closes at the end of the month, January 31.

P.S. This giveaway is open only to people in the US & Canada. The books will be shipped out by the publisher.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a great contest! If I didn't have most of these already I would totally enter! (The Knife of Never Letting Go JUST came in the mail this week!)

  2. Cool giveaway! I love all the book recs I've found through your and other Fandom5 blogs!

  3. The only one of these I've read is EDWARD TULANE, which I adore. What a fantastic giveaway!
