
What's Up Wednesday (53)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!

(Random, but this image is probably my favorite of the ones Jaime has made & it's raining in SoCal now, so I feel like it's finally winter-y enough to use it!)

The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey. This is book 2 of The 5th Wave, which I loved. Yancey knows how to end chapters with a punch.

I'm tinkering away at a short story actually. I really need to get back into poetry mode though.

Being stressed out AND having time off. Had lot of ideas in the build-up to the Thanksgiving holiday weekend while I was sleep-deprived and stressing about work stuff. But yay for figuring out plot things?

As I've mentioned in a few other posts, I participated in the geek fashion blog Set To Stunning's month-long fashion challenge to try to put a little geek into my every day outfits. They dubbed the challenge Nerdvember!

If you follow me on Instagram (akangaru) (or even Twitter: kangaru) at all, I've been posting a geeky outfit a day and to my surprise, I made it through all 30 days of November!! So here's a recap of my 30 outfits!

Here are a few more favorites.

Thanksgiving was also last weekend, which meant lots of eating and a lot of shopping. I know people have mixed feelings about Black Friday (and I am not a fan of stores opening on Thursday night), but it can be nice to get all my holiday shopping done in one go...and for it to be maybe nicer stuff than I'd normally be able to get. Also, the Sister and I don't do the electronics thing (which is where things get crazy) and we go like at the crack of dawn, so there's barely anyone.

In any case, yes, I am like 100% done with all my holiday gift-shopping! (This doesn't include any Secret Santa stuff that might come up.) Go me!

And to be absolutely honest, I treated myself to a few items I've long been eyeing like a few Blackmilk pieces (they only do 1 sale a year, and that's the Cyber Monday sale), some other geeky clothes (including the Thorin-inspired chainmail dress above), and THIS Kate Spade glasses bangle that I've been wanting forever.

The other big thing of the weekend was THE NEW STAR WARS TEASER TRAILER OMG-I-AM-SO-EXCITED-SOMEONE-PINCH-ME!!! Obviously, there were a lot of concerns and reservations and general wariness surrounding everything with the new installment (it's best to be cautiously optimistic), but AH, THE TEASER GAVE ME ALL THE FEELS.

The Sister and I were up really early Friday morning to go shopping, and we had just parked in a semi-empty parking lot when she said, "I think the Star Wars trailer goes live like now." And then I started seeing screencaps in my Twitter stream, and then she found a link. We watched it on the phone in the car, which was a good thing because we spent the entire 88 seconds going OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, AHHH!!! and generally flailing. The part that owned us? The iconic John Williams Star Wars theme kicking in as we saw the Millennium Falcon face off against TIE Fighters.

Basically, the Sis and I were that dude in the bottom right corner. I need this movie now. TIME TURNER, I NEED IT. Clearly, I'm still not over it and pretty much won't be until December 2015. (That's also why I had 2 days of Star Wars-themed Nerdvember outfits at the end of the month).

We then finished off the weekend by watching The Walking Dead mid-season finale (which was a feels-puncher), and the British sci-fi movie ATTACK THE BLOCK, starring John Boyega - who is one of the new leads in the new Star Wars (the guy in the stormtrooper suit in the first shot). The movie is excellent! Inner-city kids take on an alien invasion. It's ridiculous, clever, energetic, and so, so funny. I can't wait to see more of John Boyega.

What's up with you?


  1. The Star Wars trailer has me curious. JJ Abrams did such an amazing job with Star Trek, I can't believe he'd do anything but the best with Star Wars. Christmas next year will be very exciting :D

    You are super stylish! Love all the outfits.

    Yay for writing and ideas ^_^ Have a great week.

  2. I have loved your Nerdvember photos so much, and I am infinitely envious of your geek chic wardrobe. :-) My husband has been freaking out about the Star Wars trailer since he watched it. I've a feeling we'll be first in line when it comes out next year. :-)

    Have a great week, Alice!

  3. Loving the photos! Have a great week! :)

  4. I completely forgot about THE INFINITE SEA, so thanks for the reminder! Just added it to my rapidly growing Christmas list. (Mostly books...big surprise.) I am pretty excited about the new Stars Wars trailer myself. I really hope it helps scrub my brain free of all that Jar Jar Binks crapola from the most recent three. EEK! Loved the Nerdvember outfits too! Have a great week, Alice! :D

  5. I always love your outfits! And the Star Wars teaser looked pretty cool!

  6. Your posts always make me so happy. It's always fun to see what you've been up to. Have a fantastic week!

  7. Your nerd-coutour is so cute! I got a piece of klenex stuck in the joint of my glasses today, does that count as geek-sheik? Haha

  8. LOVE your nerdcoutour pics!!! Your outfits are sooo great!!! and I am so so excited for the new Star Wars movie (though a little nervous !).

  9. Love how creative you are with your outfits! You look great and it's a lot of fun to see your photos.
