
What's Up Wednesday (36)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!


I'm actually focusing on reading a friend's manuscript. I am a terrible beta though because I have been so tired and busy this past May that I've not finished it yet. Must finish soon.

I also just started THE FAULT IN OUR STARS. Hope to finish by this weekend so I can see the movie. Yay for double-crying?


Nothing. :( Buuuuut, I hope to turn that around some this month. July is the second Camp NaNoWriMo session, but I don't know if I'll be able to participate since July is SDCC month. Luckily for me, Jaime, Alison, Erin, and Katy are back with their summer writing intensive READY. SET. WRITE!

I had a lot of fun participating last year and checking in with everyone. So I hope it'll help me back in my writing game this time. Hope you'll join in too!


The success of the Reading Rainbow kickstarter!

Reading Rainbow was such a fun part of my childhood, and it was incredible to see that it meant the same to a lot of other people too. The kickstarter project is great, and it was fully funded in a day! They already have over $3 million pledged to them last I checked.


Some fun things I've done since last I updated:

1) Saw Hozier in concert and absolutely loved his music. Gah, I need that record now.

2) Puppy play dates! Loki got to go run around full speed at a park with my friend's dog. The next day, our cousin brought Loki's best friend Sadie over to play too! BUT she also brought her new puppy Ollie!

Ollie is a German Shepherd, Doberman mix.

Loki had fun with Sadie but spent most of the play time with Ollie trying to figure out what the heck he was. He seemed confused by the idea of a "puppy."

3) DISNEYLAND. We've gone twice in the last 2 weeks of May because I won a 2-day Park Hopper that had to be used within that time period. The first trip was fun but kind of frustrating because it was a Saturday and it was GRAD NITE, which meant a lot of teens and generally TONS of people. Long lines and crowds made the day difficult, but we salvaged it by trying a bunch of food (we normally don't eat much during a Disney day - no time!) that we read about on Buzzfeed and Food Beast.

We wore our Blackmilk Death Star dress & R2D2 swimsuit.

Our second trip was much better, though it was still a Grad Nite weekend. Less people though and less schools, so we were able to hit up our favorite rides more than once. Plus, whereas everything went kind of wrong for us the first time around, everything went right for us this time!

The biggest thing about this Disney trip for us was the new CARS LAND at California Adventure. The last time we were at the park, it was still under construction (as was much of CA Adventure since it was getting a facelift). It was a new experience for us, and we loved it. The 1940s-era California Adventure main street was quaint, and we adored CARS LAND. It looks just like you walked into a little desert town on Route 66.

Here's a few more photos. Yes, we wore a bunch of our Blackmilk items (Death Star dress, R2D2 swim, Cheshire cat leggings, mermaid leggings), and it was cool because a number of people asked about them. We overheard one guy exclaim: "Those are sick tights!" Yes they are!

Aaand tonight, I will hopefully be going to see my long-time musical love Jason Mraz with my even bigger Mraz fan sister!

Ack, can you believe it's JUNE?! Where is 2014 going???

What's up with you?


  1. Wow, CA's DisneyLand has changed a lot since I went there in 2007! I wanna go baaaack! Looks like you had a great time ^_^

    Camp NaNo's a no go for me in July, too, but SDCC is a great reason to not do it ;)

  2. Disneyland! Your photos make me want to go right now. Happiest place on earth, indeed. :-) Also, the photos of Loki's playdate are adorable. I bet the pups have tons of fun running and playing! So happy you're joining us for RSW, Alice! Here's to a super productive summer!

  3. Those ARE sick tights. :) I want to go to Disneyland too! But not on Grad Night..that sounds a little miserable.

  4. I'm so glad you're thinking of joining us for RSW. Honestly, it comes at a good time for me, too. These past several months have not been the best for writing for me either, so I feel your pain.

    TFIOS is such a good book. I'll admit, I had my doubts going in (ugh, cancer books), but it totally merits all the hype. I'm not sure how soon I'll get to see the movie, but I'm really looking forward to it. Well, as much as you can look forward to bawling in a public place, right? Have a great week, Alice! Oh, and thanks for the RSW shout-out. ;-)

  5. Reading Rainbow was so awesome! Glad they're bringing it back. There's nothing wrong with taking a break from writing, sometimes we need to in order to refuel our imaginations.

  6. Cars land sounds awesome! I'm taking my kids to Disneyland in October which will be a big trip for us. We'll definitely have to check out cars land.
