
Ready. Set. Write! (Week 3)

RSW is a summer writing intensive hosted by Jaime Morrow, Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, and Erin Funk. You can sign up on the linky at any of the host blogs every Monday. Remember to encourage other participants too! For more info on RSW and a link to the lovely buttons, go here.

1. How I did on last week’s goals
Kind of bad, to be honest. I didn't start any of the verse novels, and I didn't really write a new stanza. I revised what I had, so I wrote a few new lines and broke the stanzas I had up a bit. Still have not looked at the Cinderella story.

The only good thing from this is that part of my failure this week is because I rediscovered a short story I never finished, and I messed around with that.

2. My goal(s) for this week
In a word, FOCUS. In more concrete terms...

  • Write another stanza
  • Look at the Cinderella novel
  • Start one of the verse novels

Bonus: if I must tinker with that short story, then the goal is to finish restructuring it, so that I can finally finish writing it.

3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised
One word to sum up what I wrote/revised? GRASPING. Felt like I was having a hard time saying what I wanted to say and teasing out scenes. Lots of images and words, but nothing I could hold on to.

4. The biggest challenge I faced this week.
By far, FOCUS (which incidentally was my One Word Resolution word for 2014). So many distractions in life and also just in my creative mind. I'm messing with every story BUT the one I should be messing with.

5. Something I love about my WiP
It's definitely a challenge! Frustration aside, I am still excited to be trying this vastly new thing. I've never written anything remotely long or even that narrative in verse, so it's daunting but cool!

BONUS: World cup pup Loki! We cheered for USA this weekend. That final goal from Portugal at the end really sucked though. Next opponent? Germany! I think someone asked last time what we were going to do when USA faces Germany (since the Sister is usually a team Germany fan), and my answer to that is USA USA USA! (We do love chanting that.) Nothing like international sports to really get the patriotism going. ;)


  1. I've been distracted this week, too. I'm going to blame it on summer. ;) You're trying to write something that sounds very challenging and different, so it's OK to take your time! Have a great week! :)

  2. I showed my 15 year old your picture of Loki -we both loved it! Also, I am still so sick over that goal! That was HORRIBLE. :(

    And yeah - focus is hard. We've had so much going on that I just have to force myself to lock away in a room for an hour or two and do SOMETHING. Good luck this week! You can do it!

  3. Yay for World Cup Loki! So cute. :-) And I hear you on the focus thing. One of my biggest challenges for sure. Can you imagine the things we could accomplish if we put all our energy toward writing during writing time? Thanks for inspiring me to focus more in the coming weeks, and best of luck with your goals as well!

  4. I find focus a challenge too. Especially this time of year when there are just so many other things to do. I think working on what you've written and puttering away with the short story is still writing, and whatever it takes to get back into writing more is a good thing. Good luck this week, Alice! :D

  5. First of all, adorable pic of your pup!

    As for your goals this week: I've found that making tiny sub-goals often helps with problems focusing. Your first goal is a good example--just writing one stanza. Baby steps!

    Your concept sounds awesome, though, so good luck with this! :)

  6. Haha! Maybe try setting a goal for all your other projects except the one you really WANT to focus on and see if that helps. Reverse psychology, right? ;) Either way, progress on any project is something to feel good about. Have a great week!

  7. It is always so difficult to focus with all the internet shenanigans going on, and shows to watch, and puppies to play with…or that's what I'm finding lately! Hope this week goes better for you :)

  8. Awwww puppy!! <3

    Gushing aside, focus is really something I have to work at, too. It's so much easier to work on everything but the thing you really need to work on, but then nothing moves forward! Sometimes you just have to glue butt to chair and force out some terrible words until they start getting good again. The delete key was made for a reason :)

    Good luck focusing this week! You can do it!

  9. Sorry to hear your goals didn't go so well, but it's great that you tinkered around with an old short story. Hope it's a little easier to focus this week! Also, Loki looks quite dashing in his scarf. :)

  10. I'm so glad I was working during that last part of the match so I didn't have to break anything in response to that goal. Ugh :(

    Writing is still writing! Hopefully you find some more focus for your other goals this week, too :)
