
What's Up Wednesday (32)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!


I finished ALLEGIANT! I know, finally. Ultimately, I thought it was a fitting conclusion to the trilogy, if a bit odd. My thoughts on goodreads.

I also finished THE WINNER'S CURSE by Marie Rutkoski, which was as excellent as I'd heard. It has a beautiful cover too, and I'm so looking forward to the next installment.

Now, I'm reading INTO THE STILL BLUE by Veronica Rossi to continue the finishing trilogies trend.


Slow going, but I wrote a verse of the murder mystery story that I think I like. Hope the inspiration continues.


My friends! One of my old friends was visiting from out of town, and she is super amazing and saving lives (she's a doctor). She's only going to continue being awesome and it's a privilege to be her friend.


Nothing much other than the quality hanging out with said friend. This past week has been busy, and so I treated myself to a mani-pedi.

The Sister, on the other hand, won tickets from the radio to Weekend 1 of Coachella. I almost went with her, but alas, work! She went with a friend, and they had a ton of fun. They met MS MR (left) and got to see Beyonce's surprise appearance at Solange's set (right)!

MS MR [Photo: Sister]
BeyoncĂ© and Solange    [Photo: Jenn L.]
And finally, thanks to friends and family's votes, Loki won our local animal hospital's 2013 pet photo contest grand prize! I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but the grand prize is a glass figure of the winning pet. Based on the photos we sent, Custom Glass Etching made us a glass Loki and we got to pick it up on Monday night!

The really nice thing was that the vet's office asked us to bring Loki and when we got there, they'd set up a little party. There was cake and balloons! Photos of Loki were taken and he got all this attention, which he loved. So here he is with his prize!

Thanks again to any of you who may have voted back in December!!

What's up with you?


  1. A murder mystery? Cool! :D Hope it continues to work for you ^_^

    Looks like you've been up to loads of fun stuff as always. And,aaaaw, congratulations to Loki!

  2. Congrats to Loki :) You've had a busy week by the looks of it. have a great week.

  3. I still haven't read the Under the Never Sky trilogy, but I'd like to. I was a bit hesitant when it first came out because YA seemed to be entirely full of dystopian trilogies and nothing else, but I've heard good things about it! :)

    You can't go wrong with a murder mystery - good luck with it!

    Congratulations to Loki! What a lovely idea. :)

    Have a great week!

  4. Yay, Loki! I'm sure you're proud. :)
    Sounds like you have a lot going on, but the nails look great!

  5. Congrats to Loki! He is a star.

    I can't wait to hear more about the murder mystery.

  6. Congrats to Loki! I swear, you guys always win stuff! ;)

  7. Oh my gosh... Congratulations to Loki! That news totally made me smile. His little figurine is adorable. So, now that I've heard you and Erin rave about THE WINNER'S CURSE, I'm totally wanting to read it. Thanks for the rec, and have a wonderful week!

  8. Congrats to Loki! That's a fine looking dog :D

  9. I've been sitting on Allegiant for months. Spoiled. :/ so now I'm hesitant to finish it.
    Good luck with the rest of your week.
