
What's Up Wednesday (29)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!


I finished Gillian Flynn's DARK PLACES over the weekend. Twisty until the end. I like her books in reverse order of publication: Sharp Objects least, then Dark Places, then Gone Girl the most.

It's interesting to see how her work has evolved over the course of these 3 books, how she experimented and improved on what worked from one book to the next.

Since the DIVERGENT movie is coming out next week and since I started ALLEGIANT ages ago before I sank into my reading slump, I decided it was high time I returned to ALLEGIANT and finish that sucker before I inadvertently get spoiled! So that's what I'm currently reading.


A little bit on the 3 poems, but not too much this week.

By the by, the Twitter Fiction Festival starts today on Twitter. I found out that the people behind The Lizzie Bennett Diaries are doing something for it. They're reviving some of the character accounts to do a sort of catch-up with the LBD characters a year later.


My good friend Gennia just ran her first marathon: the LA Marathon! That's pretty freaking inspiring. You're crazy, girl, but also badass! You'd probably survive the Hunger Games! :)


Not that I need any other shows to watch given all the shows I watch, but the Sister and I finally started watching ORPHAN BLACK, and it is amazeballs. Like Tatiana Maslany is all kinds of good in this show and the plot is so intriguing. We're only 2 episodes in but completely hooked.

The other thing that I've been semi-refraining from binge-watching is the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It went up on Netflix over the weekend, and it's the last 13 episodes of what was supposed to be a full season 6 before the show was cancelled / the team was moved to working on the new Star Wars: Rebels show. Guys, I'm going to miss Clone Wars SO MUCH because it is so good.

Like it's Star Wars at its best; there's fun and adventure but also political intrigue and character arcs. It answers a lot of questions and ties up loose ends for the time period leading up to Episode 3. Also, I actually like Anakin in this series and can't help feeling like this is how I'm supposed to feel about him in the movies (instead of wanting to slap some sense into him almost every time he was on screen). ANYWAY, I am excited for the new show but will miss all the familiar characters of the Clone Wars (okay, yes, I mostly mean Obi-Wan).

Aaaand lastly, I caved a little bit and bought another Blackmilk item. Cheshire Cat Leggings!

Cheshire Cat Leggings via Blackmilk

Happy Wednesday! What's up with you?


  1. I used to work with a child who was obsessed with Star Wars: The Clone Wars so I thought I'd watch a few episodes and, yeah, I totally wound up marathoning everything that had aired to that point. It's a great show. Anakin is surprisingly likeable XD Just goes to show what a bit of character development can do.

    Have a great week!

  2. Love love ORPHAN BLACK :) I came across it somewhere and started watching. Can't wait till the next season comes out.

    I recently read a book called Tandem by Anna Jarzab which has a similar concept as ORPHAN BLACK.

    My kids love Star Wars: The clone wars :)

    Have a good week.

  3. I keep seeing Gillian Flynn's name everywhere, I really need to check out her books at some point.

    Wow, those leggings are amazing! :)

  4. I love poetry! I haven't heard of the twitter fiction festival, I'll be on the look out. Thanks!

  5. Oh my goodness... Those leggings are the greatest! And I'm with you on SHARP OBJECTS as my favorite GF novel. That book disturbed me in the very best way. Have a great week, lady!

  6. Twitter fiction--is that writing a story in 140 characters, or writing a story over a series of tweets? The former sounds really challenging. I might have to try that sometime. :)

  7. I started watching ORPHAN BLACK awhile back, but then kind of forgot about it. Whoops! I really should get watching it again. I've never watched THE CLONE WARS, but I probably should to flush the movie Anakin from memory. ;-)

    And I have to say I love your leggings! Maybe once I ditch the saddlebags I'll venture into fun legging territory lol.

    Have a great week, Alice!

  8. I haven't read the Divergent series yet. I gotta get on that!

    I love literature leggings; I see them all over Pinterest. There's a MiddleEarth pair I want. Those Wonderland ones are super cool!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  9. I've never heard of Orphan Black...I need to take a break and watch some.

    Can't wait to hear your take on Allegiant.

    I just finished reading The Swan Thieves--it was excellent! And now I'm reading Lethal Dispatch by Max Tomlinson. So far, it's really good.

  10. Oh my gosh, I LOVE those leggings!! This is the first time I've seen them!

    I hope you like Allegiant! I haven't read the series yet.

    Happy writing!

  11. I plan to reread Divergent before the movie next week. I love Orphan Black. It is so good! Have a great weekend!

  12. Next week I want to see a picture of YOU in those Cheshire Cat leggings!
