
What's Up Wednesday (27)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!


I'm still not done with Coriolanus, but I think my reading slump is over! I did act on my own curiosity and start WE WERE LIARS, and I'm halfway through. The voice is superb! I'm really enjoying it.


Tinkering with that new project (figuring plot and such), which I hope I can start soon. It's a little mystery, a little poetry, kind of experimental, and it's a collaboration!


I think many of you have probably heard of this amazing in-the-works thing from Amtrak - Writer Residencies! There's something definitely romantic about trains and train-travel, and I would love to have a writing residency on one. It's also one of the few forms of transportation where I could probably do writing/reading without getting motion/airsick.

For more info, check out the link: Amtrak Writer Residency


Rested up this weekend, but didn't get a chance to go through my camera pics of our UK-Paris trip. There are A LOT of pictures from the Harry Potter Studio Tour.

Like this one of me in King's Cross!

The Sister and I also got post-trip manicures to fix up the ones we chipped on vacation. Mine was neutral gray and neon pink. Hers was red tulips.

Also, Loki got his first professional grooming. He took it pretty well, especially for a first timer. I think it's because we give him a lot of baths. He's resigned to his fate.

It was awesome because he was SO SOFT afterwards, and he smelled like apples and vanilla!

The weekend marked my parents' birthdays (literally within days of each other), and my hometown's annual Camellia Festival - complete with small town parade and carnival.

Photo: Sister
Other than that, the THOR: THE DARK WORLD DVD was out yesterday (the Target 3D blu-ray pack comes in an exclusive shiny, green Loki slip case), so we bought that.

AND I am ridiculously excited for Friday because it's the Season 2 premiere for NBC's HANNIBAL. That show is so disturbing, but I love it - the mood, the visuals, the acting. It's moody and poetic, surreal, somehow gruesome and gorgeous. I AM EXCITE! (Yep, we're fannibals around here - not Alz though.)

What's up with you?


  1. We were liars looks good. I have added it to my TBR pile. I think every week it's growing and growing which is good I think. I dunno if I will get through all of them before the end of the year but I will have books for next year at least.

    have a good week

  2. Hooray for tinkering with new ideas. Yaaaaaay!

  3. Love the photo from King's Cross! We just got back from Orlando where we visited Harry Potter World and got to see where Diagon Alley is going in. So cool :)

  4. I loved the photo on the platform 9 3/4! Can't wait to see more of your vacation photos.

    The Amtrak Residency has me drooling with delight--that would be so much fun!

    I'm currently reading The Swan Thieves, which I like even better than The Historian.

  5. Loki pictures! My favorite! I'm so envious that you're reading WE WERE LIARS. I just requested it on NetGalley... fingers crossed! And can I tell you how intrigued I am by your new project? Poetry and mystery? Sounds very cool, Alice. Best of luck with it, and have a great week!

  6. I've been hearing so much about the Amtrack residency! It sounds so much fun! I love the idea of writing on a train. :)

  7. A mystery-poetry collaborative work? That sounds intriguing! All the best with that, Krispy.

    Have a great week!

  8. those manicures are amazing! And I'm jealous that you get to read We Were Liars, I'm so excited about this one!

  9. Love your Platform 9 3/4 pic! Mine is a little weird looking. I wanted to get a Ravenclaw scarf at the HP touring exhibition, but they were totally sold out of that house. Boo. When we were in London we found out about the HP studio tour at the airport. On our way home. Again: boo. Another time, I guess!

    A collaboration sounds wonderful! As does the rest of the stuff you mentioned about this project. :-)

  10. Your nails look so pretty! People are so talented. I'd make a mess of trying to paint my nails like that.

    Amtrak residency looks and sounds AWESOME. I want to go!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  11. We Were Liars is definitely on my TBR. The title alone draws me in and I'm glad to hear it has a great voice.
    Love the platform 9 3/4 pic and that flowing scarf!

  12. Your UK/Paris trip looks so fun, thanks for the continued posts. Good luck with your new project.

    Have a great week!

  13. We Were Liars is on my TBR, I heard some great things about it at the SCBWI NY Conference this past weekend so I can't wait to begin reading it!

  14. Your new project sounds so fun! :D

  15. Oh God, the season premier of Hannibal is waiting for me on my DVR right now! I need to go back and watch the season finale. I do it with all the shows I watch.

    Your dog seems so sweet!

    I have to look into that Amtrak residency.
