
What's Up Wednesday (26)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!


Finishing up CORIOLANUS, which is even better now because I saw the play live two weeks ago. Not sure what I'm going to read after, but I do have an e-ARC of We Were Liars, which I've been curious about.


Working a little bit on the new thing I mentioned a few weeks ago, but mostly, I'm still recovering from jet lag. I have been getting back into poetry again lately though. Here are a couple of #twtpoems.

When we were in Paris, I wrote a few #twtpoems too when we visited the Catacombs.

One of the few creepy pics I took when there was sufficient light.

Down to Hades' realm/ his treasury,/ human tomb/ we go./ Beneath a city built/ on teeth & bone.

Deep dark below/ your teeth & bones/ I treasure them in boxes neat/ my white pearls and smooth ivory.


Poetry! But in particular, the AAWW (@aaww) tweeted this poem by Michael Ondaatje yesterday, and I thought it was just gorgeous.

Owly Images
Source: @aaww tweet


As you know, I was away last week because I was in London and Paris! I can't believe I'm already back from the trip. I want to go back! Pictures still need to be sorted and uploaded, but I will share some of the trip highlights now since my data plan made Instagramming overseas possible (not to mention Google-mapping everything - lifesaver!).

The biggest thing was that it was not that cold! It was colder and wetter than Los Angeles (but then again, most places are), but we were lucky to get generally rain-less days in London and temperatures stayed in the 40s. So it was cold, but not freezing - except when the wind blew, but luckily 4 years of university at Berkeley trained me for wind + horizontal rain. See, higher education does teach you life skills! :)

The few cons of the trip were as follows:
  1. Stairs. Tiny stairs, winding stairs, subway stairs, stairs for days. Not fun when you have to lug luggage up 3 tiny flights or up and down subway platforms.
  2. London = expensive. Mainly because the US dollar is weak to the pound. Therefore, everything looks deceptively like the right price (Oh! Starbucks for around 4£!), but in dollars is...almost double (You just bought an $8.00 caramel macchiato!). My wallet, it weeps.
  3. Tube strike when we arrived in the UK meant one of the most expensive cab rides of life and also walking a lot in the wind and rain. But our cabbie was very nice, and he even apologized for all the traffic caused by everyone driving because of the Tube strike. The Sister and I kept mouthing to each other, "It's not even that bad!" because nothing is bad once you've experienced the living hell that is the 405 freeway. London traffic ain't got nothing on LA traffic.
  4. We packed way too many layering items because we were so scared of the cold. It made packing souvenirs a bit of a challenge. Also, heavy suitcases + stairs = so.much.misery.
But obviously, these are little things compared to all the FUN we had. The things we had planned generally worked out, and there were wonderful tips we received from friends. And here, I must make a brief shout-out to Miss Cole, who gave me some useful pointers about what to do in London.

Anyway, a more detailed recap in the future! For now, pictures!!


Big Ben and Westminster Abbey
Photo: Krispy
Photo: Sister

Buckingham Palace selfies and the London Eye
Photo: Krispy
Photo: Sister
CORIOLANUS! Such an intense play, great production. Tom Hiddleston was tremendous.

SHERLOCK adventures! St. Bart's hospital and 221B Baker Street & Speedy's of the TV show.

The actual Baker Street!
Photo: Krispy
Photo: Sister

Millennium Bridge and Shakespeare's Globe Theater  [Photos: Sister]

Pretty colors in Notting Hill's Portobello Road Market.

Photo: Krispy
Photo: Sister

HARRY POTTER adventures! Platform 9 3/4 and the WB Harry Potter Studio Tour!

At King's Cross!!   [Photo: Sister]


The Louvre

Musée d'Orsay and Arc de triomphe
Photo: Sister
Photo: Krispy

Eiffel Tower

What's up with you?


  1. So glad you had such a great time :D Oooh, those catacombs look awesome. Next time I go to Paris, I'll have to check them out.

  2. Glad you had fun in England despite our crazy weather! :)

  3. The pics of London and Paris are great, Krispy. Despite the negatives, its sounds like you had a wonderful time. And those negatives all add to the experience, anyway, don't they? :)

  4. I've heard awesome things about WE WERE LIARS -- I can't wait to hear what you think! I have loved seeing all of your travel pictures over the last few weeks. So beautiful. The catacombs are on my list of must-see-before-I-die locations. So creepy and cool. Have a wonderful week, lady!

  5. those catacombs are super creepy, but I would also love to see them in real life! The pictures are gorgeous, looks like you had a great time! I'm dying to read We Were Liars, you'll have to share your thoughts once you're done!

  6. Looks like you had a great trip. I love the picture with the skulls, since I have such macabre interests.

  7. Your trip looks like so much fun! What a great experience. I think the platform 9 3/4 picture was my favorite.

    Now that you're back to reality, it's time to get back to the writing. :) Have a great week!

  8. If you could see me now, all you'd see is GREEN! So jealous of your amazing trip! What a great time.

  9. Hubby and I are heading to Europe this summer and will be landing in Paris, so this really gets me excited. I was there in high school, but that was so long ago. Glad you ladies had a blast! :-)

  10. Oh wow, your trip looks and sounds amazing! I've never been to England or France but hope to visit there someday. In the meantime, thanks for sharing your awesome pics! Loved the poetry as well. Hope you recover from jet lag soon!

  11. Lots of wonderful pics. I love Paris.

    And your love for poetry right now is really nice.

    It's amazing what a poem can convey in a few short stanzas, isn't it?

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Wow!!! Those photos are so amazing! It looks like such a fantastic trip! Ever since I read REVOLUTION, I've been dying (har) to visit the catacombs beneath Paris. Creepy? Yes. But amazing? Also yes. And your poetry is beautiful. Another WOW. :) Have a great week!

  13. Ahhhhh your photos are so amazing! Totally green with envy! :)
