
What's Up Wednesday (25)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!

I finally finished JUST ONE YEAR, which I started in December. Since I finished in January, it'll be my first book of 2014. And it was good. You can see my brief goodreads review of it here: JUST ONE YEAR.

My current read is...


Nothing, at the moment.


So many themes and quotes in Gayle Forman's JUST ONE YEAR. Whenever I need a good Contemporary jolt of FEELS, I can always count on Gayle Forman. Here's an example.

"But maybe we were both wrong, and both right. It’s not either or, not luck or love. Not fate or will. Maybe for double happiness, you need both."


Not too much except for continued London-Paris vacation planning. But even that has hit a rough patch because EVERYONE at home IS SICK. Thankfully, I'm not sick (though I had a few close calls and felt a bit off), but I'm paranoid I will be! The Sister was the latest victim to this sudden flu, but she seems to be recovering. So just keep your fingers crossed she gets healthy and I stay healthy, so that our trip can still happen without health misery!

I also went darker with my most recent hair touch-up. Red hair!

I am ready for a vacation! It has been a stressful last half of January! OH and it's Lunar New Year at the end of this week! So yay for delicious foodage!

We ate these toast mountains with friends before the sickness hit. [Photo/Gennia]

Happy New Year to you all and STAY HEALTHY (and warm)!!!

P.S. Come back Friday for the answers to Alz's Name That Book: Literal Titles Version questions!

P.P.S. The Sis and I welcome any and all recommendations on what we should do (or eat or shop) in London and/or Paris (though we'll only be in Paris for two days)! Also, tell us weak Californians how we should deal with the cold... other than layering everything we own on our bodies.


  1. I haven't read any Shakespeare in years. Enjoy!

    Hope everyone feels better soon ^_^

    All I can add to previous messages is PACK WET WEATHER GEAR! ^^; We've had a lot of rain lately.

  2. Hiya

    Yum :) my stomach is rumbling just looking at the pictures of food. My sister also did something similar with her hair :)


  3. Oh my goodness... Those desserts! Yum! I loved JUST ONE YEAR as well. Probably even more than I loved JUST ONE DAY. Gayle Forman is so brilliant. She's the writer I want to be when I grow up. :-) Also -- I know I've said this before -- your hair is the best! Have a great week, lady!

  4. PARIS! So much to see and do. Versailles is great. So is Notre Dame, especially the view from the top of the cathedral.

    For restaurants, I'd recommend Les Papilles and Ze Kitchen Gallerie. Check the website, Paris By Mouth, you can read reviews, see menus, etc.

  5. Holy mother of pearl, those desserts look amazing o_o

  6. Deff layers, I'm from SD & I had at least 3 layers under my big coat, plus a scarf and gloves. A coat with a hood is a must! But mostly I was too high on life to be cold, it is amazing over there! Have THE best time!! xo

  7. Love the new hair, Alice! I've totally been digging the two-tone thing you've been doing. Awesome! I've been reading up a bit on Shakespeare recently myself, but Coriolanus is one I haven't read. You must be getting so excited about your trip! The only thing I can think to recommend in London is afternoon tea at the Atheneeum, though it was on the pricey side. Very good, though!

  8. Planning a London-Paris trips sounds miserable!(there might have been some sarcasm in that last sentence.) And that picture, on my, making me hungry. I have, sadly, not read anything by Gayle Forman. It's a travesty. I need to get on that!

  9. I've heard so many good things about Just One Day/Just One Year - I'll have to check them out at some point!

    Mmmm...cake. :P

  10. I was blown away by Just One Day and Just One Year. They are such great books. I hope that your family al feels better soon and I love the hair!

  11. I loved Just One Day and Just One Year! Gayle Forman is such a great writer. Both of those books made me want to rewatch As You Like It so I have it waiting on my PVR right now.

  12. Love the red hair! It looks great. And Forman is my go-to person for contemporaries as well. IF I STAY is still one of the best books I've read. I hope you don't get sick and your sister feels better soon :)

  13. Happy New Year. I hope you and your sister are able to enjoy a healthy trip! I've been sick on vacation before it is no fun. So heres hoping you have a wonderful and healthy journey.

    Have a great week!
