
What's Up Wednesday (22)

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, so we can check in with each other. To join, just check out Jaime Morrow or Erin Funk's blogs for the link widget and sign up!

I'm excited to use this beautiful, NEW winter banner by Jaime. It's more appropriate now too since it's actually kind of cold in California now (cold for us, anyway).


ALLEGIANT. The holidays and turkeys got me. Lots of eating, not so much reading. I did start JUST ONE YEAR though! It's Gayle Forman's follow-up companion to JUST ONE DAY, which I reviewed for YA Book Club last year.


Nothing really this week. It was Thanksgiving last week and then ALL THE SHOPPING. So as I said, the turkey (and apple pie) got to me.


Random things. For example, we had a spectacular sunset in LA the other day.

[Photo/ the Sister]


Over Thanksgiving, the Sister and I went to see Disney's new animated feature, FROZEN. Loved it. Like Pixar's BRAVE, the focus was on female and family relationships and like Disney's last one TANGLED, FROZEN was full of beautiful animation and clever quips. Oh, and I loved the short that went before. Such a perfect blend of combining the old and the new styles of animation. Classic and new. Definitely recommended.

Cool stand-up display with pop-out shield for Captain America: TWS at the theater.
The other reason we were at the theater was because... The Sister and I entered a raffle at the theater for something THOR related when we went to see THOR: THE DARK WORLD. It was unclear what the raffle was for, though we thought it might be for those cardboard movie stand-ups/displays you see in the theater. Well, right before Thanksgiving Thursday, I got a call that basically said I'd won the Loki stand up.

So we picked him up on Thanksgiving, and um, he is now taking up A LOT OF SPACE in the pool house. I didn't know it would be so big...and it's kind of creepy.

That is our Loki sitting in front of Loki display, which is folded in half. Our dog from head to tail is
like the breadth of display!Loki's shoulders. See, he's kind of creepy.
Then there was Thanksgiving, which was food food food and then shopping (online for me since I had to work on Friday after). I scored some good deals for people's Christmas presents (and okay a few for me too).

The Sister's food creations. I loved the peppermint chocolate chip loaf.

It's finally looking like fall in SoCal. Apple pie made from scratch by my cousin.
We also saw Michael Bublé at the Staples Center on Friday! It was lovely. His voice is smooth like butter, and he was freaking hilarious.

The Sister and I participated in a month-long challenge called #Nerdvember where we tried to incorporate something geeky/nerdy into our look every day. You can see our attempts at our instagrams here: akangaru (me) and catherine (sister)

Here are some of my favorites (and you can see me go from blonde-ish to red-haired by the end):

What's up with you?


  1. As always, it looks like you're having so much fun :D And that Thanksgiving food looks soooooo delicious.

    What a beautiful sunset. So pretty!

    Hahah, hope Loki (poster) doesn't get in the way too much.

  2. Lovely pics, Krispy! The apple pie looks tasty. Some of my FirstBorn's from-scratch custard would go well with that. :)

    Things might have been slow on the reading/writing front, but it looks like you've been having fun. Have a great week!

  3. I love the Nerdvember photos!

    Okay, that movie poster is kind of scary. Gulp.

    So jealous that you've got a lot of your shopping done. I haven't even started. ACK! Time to surf Amazon.

  4. Great photos!
    I love Michael Buble! I saw him a couple of years ago and I'm seeing him again this June when he comes to Canada. Can't wait!

  5. I can't wait to see Frozen. I loved Tangled, so I'm hoping it's just as good. Sounds like you've had a great week!

  6. Ove love the idea of Nerdvember, and I must say, you make dressing like a geek look extreamly cute. I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving.

  7. I always love your photos of Loki, as well as your fashion choices! You inspire me to get out of my yoga pants. ;-) Glad to hear that you had a good Thanksgiving. We saw Frozen over the weekend too, and we loved it! Have a great week, lady!

  8. I love Loki but that IS slightly creepy. Auction it! xD

    You and your sister are awesome haha. Love your pictures! And your hair!

  9. That Loki is really creepy and I could see my roommates and me moving it to random places around the house, just to mess with each other.

    I ended up getting a lot of my shopping done on Friday. I figured since I had to work anyway, I might as well take advantage of my store's sale while I was on my 60...not sure the crowds would've been worth the deals under normal circumstances though (aka had I not been trapped in retail hell).

    I really want to see Frozen now!

  10. Great pics! A lot of people are talking about Frozen today. I can't wait to see it!

  11. I need more HP apparel in my life! My kids are very excited to see FROZEN - maybe over the upcoming holiday break!

  12. I love your Nerdvember photos! That's so awesome. :) Now I realize I need more nerdy tee shirts! Have a great week!

  13. It looks like you're having a lot of fun! It's pretty impressive you've got your shopping done. I've only sort of started mine...

    I adore the fact you have Loki in this post too :)
