
Randomosity on Fridays: Pre-Holiday Friday 5

It's been a while since we did a Friday 5, especially since I'm all about the What's Up Wednesday meme these days. But the Friday 5 is an oldie but a goodie, and it's helpful for random announcements.

So here we go!

1. During all the Black Friday/ Cyber Monday sales, the Sister and I managed to buy a bunch of Christmas presents for friends, family, and ourselves. Specifically, we snagged some coveted BlackMilk items, and I bought some Shadowplaynyc dresses I've been eye-ing for a long time.

Blackmilk AT-AT dress for the Sister; Hamlet leggings for me!

Shadowplaynyc Crimson Galaxy Dress for me; Stardust Galaxy dress for the Sister.

2. It has been freaking COLD here, which I know isn't that cold all things considered. But I am a Californian born and bred, which means I am so weak to coldness, haha. But the coldness has given us quite beautiful, clear and crisp skies.

3. The Sister bought Loki a new toy. It's a red dragon, and it's pretty tough (or so we thought)! Naturally, we named it Benedict Cumbersmaug.

Loki looks cute here, but he is actually chewing off CBSmaug's arm with his back teeth. We stopped
him before he managed to get all he way through the arm.
Speaking of Loki and that Loki poster in the background, Alz noted that the sheer size of the display is not obvious from pictures alone. One of my friends thought we'd taken puppy!Loki out somewhere and took a pic of him in front of a Loki display.

Nope, this giant cardboard side of a display is in my house. Here is a picture of the Sister standing in front of the fully unfolded Loki side.

The top is scraping the ceiling of this room.

4. Last weekend, the Sister and I pulled out my books and built a book tree. We made one last year and wanted to make another one this year. We even bought more lights for it!

Progress shots of the book tree. We wore holiday socks until the Sister
changed into her shark onesie, complete with shark feet. 
There are Capt America & Spiderman ornaments in there, but since this pic was taken
Lokis have taken over. They're currently at the top of the tree.

5. Need gift ideas and general holiday amusement? The Sister and I wrote some helpful Buzzfeed articles!

From me: Affordable And Clever Gifts For Your Writer And Bibliophile Friends.

From the Sister: 15 Travel Themed Gifts To Give Your Favorite Globetrotter

Also from the Sister (and it's really funny): 6 Studly Fabrics To Gift Those On Your Naughty List. Yeah, it's surprising what you can find at craft stores...

Oh and finally, almost all next week from Dec 16-19 is the YA Superlatives Blogfest. It's a great way to see what people read over the year and to add new books to your TBR lists. It's super fun and is seriously my favorite blogging event every year. I do hope you'll join for some of the days if not all of them! We'll be trying to participate every day! Click on the banner below for more info.

Q4U: Can you believe it's already the 2nd week of December? Will you be seeing The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug?

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