
Randomosity on Fridays: Bring on the Spook

A short Friday post this week because I'm exhausted, Alz is sick, and the government is shut down. But enough of that because it is October, which means pumpkins and changing leaves and the beginning of sweater weather. Well, not so much the latter if you live in Southern California. We're not quite there yet (we're supposed to hit 90-some degrees F this weekend), but there is a chill in the air (at night).

October is also the month of spook. I'm a chicken when it comes to scary movies, but I do love hearing ghost stories and urban legends, and I quite enjoy all those Travel Channel shows about haunted places.

Not pumpkins, but kind of related to the spookiness of October! BATS!

So in that vein, I'd like to pose a question: What monster/urban legend scared you as a kid or still scares you now?

For me? It's Bloody Mary. I think it's the combination of blood, mirrors, and things appearing in mirrors. *shudder* The episode of Supernatural about her remains the one I find the scariest.


  1. I love the photo!

    I hope you get some rest this weekend and that Alz gets better soon.

  2. OMG, that photo...that big-ass bat prop! Crazy creepy...and yet, still cute. :)

    Urban legends never really scared me, but spiders freaked me out....and they STILL DO. And cockroaches.
