
Cover Color Spectrum & Reading Habits

It's time to face the facts: I'm way behind on my Goodreads 2013 Reading Challenge.  To be precise, I am 20 books behind, which probably means I shouldn't have challenged myself to read 70 books.  I occasionally go on book binges and read a book a day, but barring one of those inexplicable and unpredictable happenstances, I do not foresee me catching up anytime in the near future.

I took a gander at what I've read so far this year and was struck by the many pretty covers and blending of colors.  I though they'd look pretty stacked together in a spectrum of color but then confused myself ordering them and it took way longer than I thought so I got lazy and I also lopped a couple of books off so that I could arrange the rest in neat rows.  Ahem.

Seeing them all laid out like this makes me feel more accomplished.

So far this year, I've read mostly YA (no surprise there), and of that YA, mostly (urban) fantasy and dystopian.  In other words, my reading habits and tastes haven't changed from last year or most of the year before.  I thought I'd try to branch out more and read more big people books, and immediately after remembering this New Year's resolution I ended up checking out The Boxcar Children from the library along with a bunch of MG titles.  Oh dear.

At least this year I've stolen fewer books from Krispy's stash (by which I mean stolen books from her before she had a chance to read them), though I ended up regretting not a few of those random impulsive library grabs.  And fewer of the book feature girls in swooshy dresses draped half-dead across the cover.

In fact, this batch of covers features a lot of symbolic and graphic-design covers rather than human models.  I don't tend to choose my books based on their covers and not all of these titles are from the same year, but a good number of the two bottom rows are from this year or last.  Hmm.

At any rate, I'm going to have to set some time aside to plow through more titles since I do not like this thing called defeat and I must conquer my reading challenge for the sake of pride!  Pride and glory!  If I go down, it shall be in glorious page-filled flames!

How many books have you read this year?  Have you noticed any trends in your book choices?


  1. I just counted... I've read 55 books so far this year. Not too shabby. Most of my reads have been YA (no surprise) but I've also read more adult novels this year than in the past few years -- some really good ones, too. I think I've read exactly three MGs, but all three were awesome.

    I had to laugh at your THE BOXCAR CHILDREN pick. I recently read it to my daughter, and it was really fun to relive that adventure as an adult. The details I remembered (Benny's pink cup, for example) were just as charming as they were when I read the book decades ago.

  2. I kind of love the pretty book cover collage. That would make cool artwork to decorate a house with. As for my own reading challenge, I've read 60 so far this year and most of them have been YA. I have had quite a few full day reading binges, so that's why I've managed to read so much. Today is going to be one of those days! :-)

  3. The collage is lovely--a kind of quilt of books.

    Good luck with your reading challenge!

  4. sigh, i've barely read anything this year. lots of depression and laziness. i should go to the library this weekend!

  5. So pretty! Cool to see Control in there too!
