
Randomosity on Fridays: Happy Fourth of July!

Quick picture post today. I actually have work on Friday (boo, no long weekend), but the holiday in the middle of the week helped. Funnily enough, the Sister and I spent most of the day watching Downton Abbey.

Anyway before I go sleep to the sound of "rockets bursting in air" (since I'm writing this blog post on July 4th), here are some pics from our Fourth of July celebrations.

Before we started watching Downton, we did some decorating. The Sis got out the flag and her Common Sense shirt (a Penguin Civic Classics shirt!), and I got out my President PEZ dispensers and Penguin Civic Classics copies of The Declaration of Independence and The Federalist Papers.

Yes, I would have Presidents PEZ dispensers. Those are the first 5 presidents.

We also laughed (and I cried a little on the inside) at the number of people who thought yesterday was America's 2013th birthday. Um, NO.

Alz made bead bracelets for my little cousins-once-removed - as modeled by fat!unicorn.

Source: Alz

After swimming, Loki had the classic American meal of burger and beer (all dog-versions, of course).

He actually wasn't that into the dog beer.   Source: Sister

Then we set off fireworks. Loki and Sadie distracted each other from the fireworks by chasing each other around the backyard.

Source:  @noxinova
And that was our day! Yay, America!

Rocking my appropriate Penguin Civic Classics JOIN OR DIE shirt &
my patriotic nails I painted while watching Downton Abbey.
Happy weekend!


  1. Glad you had a nice time and boo about having to work today. BTW,I love Downton too.

    We ended up watching The Hobbit--I can't get enough of the scene in Bilbo's house when the dwarves take over and eat all his food. My daughter and a friend decided that Richard Armitage has a voice like liquid chocolate.

  2. We also laughed (and I cried a little on the inside) at the number of people who thought yesterday was America's 2013th birthday. <--- Holy cow. Oh, America...

    Looks like you had a great Fourth. Loki is adorable as always, and I love your patriotic nails.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. <3

  3. I can't believe that people thought America was 2013!!! I just can't. Really?!? Man. Good job on reading and writing! My husband and I got into Downton while I was nursing my third baby...we watched two years of shows in about three nights. Waiting for more was TOUGH! Christy

  4. love all your patriotic swag! and loki being adorable! and fireworks! and cool nails!

    i didn't get the day off so i'm hugely envious of everyone who did :P

    and the people who thought it was america's 2013th birthday... -_____-|||

  5. Hope you guys had a WONDERFUL 4th! I love that picture of Loki with his burger and beer. He looks so unimpressed. LOL.
