
Weekend Sneak Peek

It took all my energy to write up my YA Book Club post of JUST ONE DAY for Tuesday since I was at the absolutely epic wedding of one of my BFFs. Alz was a guest too, so both of us are totally exhausted - from fun!

In any case, the wedding deserves its own post because it was amazing and probably the best party I have ever been too. The weather was perfect, the venue and decorations gorgeous, the food scrumptious, and there were even some celebrity sightings! I also danced a hole into my shoe. Literally. (You think I'm kidding, but I'm not.)

For now, here's a few pictures from the pit stop we took on the way to the wedding. Cabazon Dinosaurs, the largest dinos in the world (or something)!

The Sister is a master at imitating things. Also, you can climb
up into the T-Rex's mouth and peer down at everyone.
I am but an amateur compared to her.

There's a gift shop inside this apatosaurus.
And a sneak of wedding-related stuff:

Bridesmaid dresses & bride's reception dress.

The gold-confetti-strewn dance floor & the newlyweds.
We're off for the weekend to recover from last weekend's festivities! Expect actual wedding pictures next week!

P.S. We did finally get our hands on JT's 20/20 Experience, and it has not disappointed. I love the track "Tunnel Vision" and "Blue Ocean Floor" (which my sister says she really likes but admittedly that's possibly because it sounds like/is produced like the hipster music she's into now). I'm also still totally obsessed with this song:


  1. Dancing a hole in your shoe?! That is epic and wonderful memory. I'm so glad you all had a wonderful time, and best wishes to the newlyweds!!

  2. sounds like you had a blast! so awesome that you had such a great time :)

  3. Fun pics! I love the one of the dance floor.

  4. You guys do the dino look pretty very well,LOL!

  5. I love your sister's imitations. :)
