
Book Title Poetry!

I've always wanted to try my hand at a book title poem but lacked the inclination to do so until 1:00 AM last night, fueled by mango milk tea and the knowledge that Krispy and I didn't have a blog post planned.  Also, most of my reads lately have been library books so I never had that many pretty titles on hand.

Though I dearly wish I could make a pretty poetic stack, instead it'll be (alas!) mere text.  To make my life easier, I chose only from titles I've actually read, and to make my life harder, I decided I wasn't going to cheat by adding any extra words even though conjunctions and the like would've been nice.

Here we go!

My, that turned out dark and ominous.  I made no particular effort to choose titles of a particular flavor, I just culled through my Goodreads and discarded titles that were too specific or not YA/MG.

That was pretty fun though, I must admit.  I'll have to nag Krispy to make one too!

Have you written a book title poem before?  If so, link please!  If not, DO IT.  Ahem, I mean, why not?


  1. Wow! That is so cool. I love it. I'm going to have to give it a try.

  2. This is a really cool idea! It turned out well. :)

  3. This is the coolest! Totally made me smile. :-)

  4. I was just thinking of book spine poetry today so book title poetry fits in quite well. Great job!
