
Randomosity on Fridays: End of World/Year

Ah, an epic week has come to a close. We hope you enjoyed reading our YA Superlatives blogfest posts and have found some new books to read. (If any of you pick up the Song of Achilles, I am always up to talk about it. Srsly. Email me if you wish.)

Here's a recap in case you missed it/ if you're curious:
Head of Class
Popularity Contest
Elements of Fiction
Best in Show

Once more, we'd like to thank the lovely ladies Jessica Love, Tracey Neithercott, Alison Miller, and Katy Upperman for hosting this blogfest.

If you participated, be sure to check their blogs to see if you won a book! :)

So, according to some people out there, it's supposed to be the end of the world today. As of now, since there have been no reports of Australia sinking into the sea, I think we're going to be okay. Let's celebrate surviving the Mayan apocalypse, enjoy the holidays, and prepare to welcome the new year!

We'll be taking the last week of 2012 off. So we're going to leave you with December in California and some holiday cheer. We hope to see you all back in 2013!

Headed towards Downtown LA at sunset

Bought us some writers @ Barnes&Noble: Edgar and Mark

Knee-high holiday sweater socks

Puppy playtime: Loki & his BFF Sadie (our cousin's pup)

Festive socks while building a Book Tree

Book Tree success!



  1. Ooo, I love the book tree!

    Have a happy Christmas!

  2. Love the photo of the two dogs! So perfect. And your book tree is AWESOME :D

  3. Have a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year! Love that tree. That is awesome!

  4. Your book tree is so cool! Love the lighting.

    Happy Holidays!

  5. I'm so glad you girls participated in our blogfest. I had such a blast reading your posts each day. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  6. My book tree was my favorite decoration last year! Yours is super colorful, I absolutely adore it.
    The socks are super cute, as are the puppies. Happy holidays! :D

  7. Happy Christmas! Love the book tree!

  8. Love the Christmas book tree and Cuteness Overlord with friend :-)

    Happy Holidays!!!

  9. I loved the book tree (saw it on twitter first). I'm not surprised you came up with it. You guys are pretty special. :)

    Wishing you a great year 2013. I can't wait to read more awesome blog posts from you.

