
Randomosity on Fridays: Conversations with Krispy & Alz

Krispy: Alz, I had a hard day. All day long, you tormented me.

Alz: How so?

Krispy: ...BY EXISTING.

Happy Friday, folks!

Forthcoming is a post about the mildly traumatic unicorn book Alz bought yesterday, the long-awaited photos from Krispy's trip to Europe that happened ages ago, and other assorted delights.

But FIRST, get ready next week for an ENTIRE WEEK OF EPIC BLOGGING because we'll be participating in the YA Superlatives Blogfest (where Krispy will attempt not to give ALL THE AWARDS to The Song of Achilles because it's not YA).

You can get all the info and categories by clicking the link or the banner above (or the button in the sidebar)!

We think it'd be cool if you participated in one, a few, or all of the days! That way we can see what everyone's favorite books/characters/things were for this past year. PLUS, I believe the lovely hosts (Katy Upperman, Jessica Love, Tracey Neithercott, and Allison Miller) are giving away a book of winners' choice to 4 lucky participants!

To see what books we read this year (many of which were 2012 releases), check out our goodreads profiles which are linked in the CONNECT tab of the sidebar.

See you MONDAY 12/17! We'll be revealing our favorite novels in the Head Of Class categories.

Give your best guess--why do you think this mysterious unicorn book was mildly traumatic?


  1. Unless the unicorn book is not really a unicorn book there's no way it can be traumatic...can it?

  2. Oh, yay! Thanks for spreading the word about our blogfest... We're so excited! And YES, we are giving away four 2012 books!

  3. Woot! Can't wait to read your posts next week.

    (And you've definitely made me want to check out The Song of Achilles!)

  4. Unicorns traumatic? Hmmm...

    A very exciting blog week coming, indeed!

  5. Fun! Can't wait to read the awards.

    I just read about the author of the The Song of Achilles. Is Krispy going to review it?
