
Recovery Wednesday

We got a little sidetracked yesterday with Election 2012, so we don't really have a post for you. I mean, we kind of nearly missed Loki's play time because we were too busy watching the coverage. Loki was not pleased.

Suffice to say, we rocked the vote and we hope if you had a chance to that you did too!


Sheepy wanted to vote, but he's a sheep & probably not of age.


In other news, the YA Superlatives 2012 Blogfest is coming up in a little over a month. It's the brainchild of a bunch of cool ladies- Katy Upperman, Jessica Love, Alison Miller, and Tracey Neithercott. We had so much fun participating in the 2011 Superlative Blogfest that we're doing it again this year.

Click the banner here or button in the sidebar for the preliminary information.

You have a little over a month to get a few more books in before the blogfest to help you fill in those categories! We hope you'll join in!

P.S. Loki 2016. Yes/No? :)


  1. The superlative blogfest looks like a lot of fun! (I want to play too.)

    And, yes, I'd vote for Loki in 2016. I'd like to nominate my black Lab Jezebel for VP.

  2. Yay! Thanks for helping us spread the word about the YA Superlative Blogfest! We're super excited about it, and we're glad you are too. (And Connie, you should absolutely join in!)

  3. Ooh, I remember that blogfest. I think I'll participate :D

  4. Yay indeed for another four years!

    I'll have to check out that blogfest. It sounds interesting.

    Yes to Loki 2016. :)

  5. I don't know if I'd vote for Loki. Something about that whole "Overload of Cuteness" just doesn't seem...quite right. Never mind Loki would just need to run up and nudge for rubs from his opponents to get people to do what is needed lol!!

    Not fair. Just too cute :-)

  6. In sheep years Sheepy is probably 112. Like Edward. But not a pedophile. Like Edward.

    And is Loki eligible? I mean isn't his ancestry German? Isn't his name Nordic? I'm going to go grand inquiry on him...

  7. Loki 2016, YES. I'd take either the dog or the god, actually.

  8. Yes for Loki in 2016! I will vote for him. :)

