
Book Feast for Thanksgiving

First, we must apologize for our lapse in blogging on Friday. I was exhausted from a previous weekend Vegas trip that I forgot I had scheduled and just really wanted to vegetate and watch the many shows I am behind on. So we forgot to blog.

To make up for it though, we have prepared a sampling of the books for your taste-testing. A book feast just in time for Thanksgiving! The holiday season is upon us, and while that brings its own share of stresses and activities, it also usually means some downtime for reading! PLUS, the Superlatives Blogfest is in less than a month, so now is the time to get a few more books read in time for that! (That's what I'm trying to do anyway.)

That aside, I've had a really great run of books lately, and Alz and I haven't had time to write our usual long reviews. So we thought we'd highlight some of our most recent reads (from October until now) we think you should check out!

First Course: Appetizers

Looking for a quick, engaging read that is not only satisfying but also timely and wonderful? Try this Middle-Grade contemporary. It's both heartbreaking and heartwarming.

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

Craving something with a little more adventure? Try this desert fantasy set in a refreshing world of deities, sky serpents, and whirling sands.

Vessel by Sarah Beth Durst

Second Course: Soups/Salads

Want something a little familiar and a little fantastic? Try this older, more literary riff on a classic tale, showing that life is messy and complicated for everyone - even children who never grow up. (Although purists of the Pan mythology may not find this to their taste and might want to skip this course.)

Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Main Course: The Meaty Stuff

Tired of the same old paranormals? Try this dark paranormal set in an intriguing version of the After Life that you wouldn't quite expect. This book digs into some heavy themes, but manages to shine just enough hopeful light into an otherwise bleak, urban world.

Sanctum by Sarah Fine

In the mood for a historical? What about plucky female leads and a true love story (the true love of friendship)? Try this harrowing tale of two best friends caught in the turmoil of World War II. This sensational team will win you over with their engaging voices and courage.

Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

Alternate Main Course

For the adventurous, try this atmospheric genre bender! It's part fantasy, part contemporary and filled to the brim with quirky characters, mystery, and mythology - all set in the possibly enchanted wilder places of Virginia. It will leave you wanting more.

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater


And for dessert, we recommend these two picture books. Both are illustrated by Jon Klassen, but one isn't told by him.

For those with a somewhat more wicked sense of humor, try this tale about a fish and a hat and yet another valuable life lesson about stealing.

This is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen

For those wishing to finishing their reading meal with the "warm fuzzies," try this tale about a magic box of yarn and the girl who finds it.

Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett

Hope you enjoyed this book meal. Do let us know if you check any of these out. We'd also like to wish you all a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Pig out on Thursday, but don't forget to NaNo! ;)

Q4U: What books would you add to this feast?


  1. How bout a few novellas for snacks?
    Such as Ciara Knight's Weighted with a cyberpunk lean, Roar and Liv by Veronica Rossi and Susan Kaye Quinn has a few Origins novellas for her Mindjack Chronicles, such as Scribe and Handler.

  2. Ack! When am I going to find to read all these amazing books?!

    Right now, I'm in middle of two books, so I guess I'll have to hurry through them. Maybe I can read while I'm baking pies and cleaning house.

  3. You know, I didn't like "Shiver," but I keep reading rave reviews of Maggie S.'s books... thinking about checking Raven Boys out and possibly the Scorpio Races. Thanks for the delicious menu!

  4. Ooh, awesome! I'm particularly interested in Tiger Lily and Vessel. I've been thinking about treating myself to some must-read eBooks, and Daughter of Smoke and Bone is on my list, too. And also Seraphina and Plain Kate. Any other favorites I should strongly consider reading?

    I'm with Julie on not liking Shiver much (I'm also not a fan of the author in general), but agree with her about reading a bunch of great reviews for her newer books, so I'm torn about whether to try Raven Boys and Scorpio Races. I guess I'll focus on the ones I'm more excited to read first, haha.
