

I saw this last week on Kate Hart's blog, then Jessica Love posted, as did Katy Upperman. So we couldn't resist the steal.


loving... The IMAGINE DRAGONS album. The Sister talked about it in her Fall Music Preview post, but now that I've had a chance to listen to it, I can add my vote to her rec. I'm especially digging the song, DEMONS.

Demons by Imagine Dragons on Grooveshark 

reading... Tiger Lily, a riff on Peter Pan that I'm enjoying so far and The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Yeah, I know. I'm nearly a decade late on the latter, but I have friends who loved it in high school, and the movie is out soon!

watching... Doctor Who, though we're becoming increasingly disenchanted with the way Steven Moffat is showrunning this thing. Moffat is good when he's good, but I think that's only in small, concentrated doses a la the classic episode "Blink."
Also watching, The Walking Dead - just started & my sister hates everyone, lol.
Aaaand college football (Cal Bears - already breaking my heart; UCLA Bruins - surprisingly good!)

thinking about... writing, actually. And how I'm so freaking behind on some stuff (not necessarily writing related). And where the heck did the summer go?

anticipating... October! Lots of exciting things planned for October! Concerts and travel! On a more timely/September note, anticipating so many books! Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan, which I'll hopefully pick up this weekend and Maggie Stiefvater's The Raven Boys (which I've already pre-ordered).

wishing... More 3 day weekends! Seriously, I'm burning out.

making me happy This silly guy (and his Halloween bandana)

And as for Alz--

loving... Tea. Oolong milk tea floats and jasmine milk tea floats.  Also citrus tea.  And Thai tea with boba.

reading... Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder still, and also piecemealing my way through the increasingly problematic (over-written, culture appropriation & exoticizing, lack of research, etc.) Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff.  Also just finished Team Human by Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan--I like some facets of it, but was ultimately underwhelmed and a little disappointed.

watching... Doctor Who, with Krispy & her sister.  Ditto everything she said RE: Moffat steamrolling the show into the realm of angry plot-holed unwatchableness.  I've also been watching 07 Ghost with Krispy, which we lovingly refer to as "fantasy anime" and "that anime where the protagonist is shackled hand and foot for like 8 episodes straight".

Dalek cupcakes for the Sister's birthday by our friend.
thinking about... Revision.  I have to sit on things for a long time after finishing them before I can go back and shred them.

anticipating... Shamefacedly, The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson.  I know, I know I panned the first book but my masochistic streak runs strong and there were enough hilariously bad moments of WTF-ery in the first book that I kind of want to read the second just to see if there are more.  Although after perusing the promo chapters online, I was saddened to learn that Elisa has (apparently) kept off the pounds and is no longer a fat princess.

wishing... I could carve better.

making me happy... Yogurt-flavored Hi-Chew candy.


  1. I hope you write a review on Tiger Lily.

    As for me, I'm anticipating (shamefacedly) candy corn. I love it. So far, I've been able to resist buying it. But... Yum.

  2. ooh, I've heard really great things about tiger lily! and loki is adorable as always.

    Alz, please tell me you'll be writing a scathing review of Stormdancer to balance out the squee-fests! his attitude toward cultural appropriation pisses me off.

  3. Yay, love that this is spreading! :) I am also looking forward to October and Raven Boys. Alz, what do you carve?

  4. Oh, fun! So glad you did a Currently... post! October is going to be an amazing month for books--so many I'm looking forward to. And that puppy dog photograph: Too cute!

  5. I haven't heard of Tiger Lily before, but I like the idea of a Peter Pan adaptation.

    The picture of the puppy with the Halloween bandanna is adorable. :)

  6. Where did the summer go? Man, that was fast.

    On another note, your puppy doesn't look like a puppy anymore!

  7. Great update. Can't believe it's heading in to fall!
