
Love Lists & Labor Day Laughs

Before we begin this post, I have one question: WHERE DID AUGUST GO???

That said, I saw people posting about their WIP Love Lists last week, thanks to YA Highway's Post on the topic. It looked like a lot of fun, so we're doing it now for our WIPs, even though we're like incredibly late to the party (like not even fashionably).

So here it is: Inspired by Stephanie Perkins’ post on Natalie Whipple’s blog, what is your novel’s “Love List”?

On top of that, my sometimes-old-timey-email penpal Tracey Neithercott expanded upon the love list by also including some visual & audio aids to illustrate her love list items. So, we're going to take a page from her book too.

*click images to go to source

Krispy's Love List (for something I'm kicking around in my head still)

a girl out of time
a desperate angel
unspoken things
benevolent demons
illegal magic
dreary dark days, black nights
decaying decadence
power out, empty streets
a tabby cat
a prince and his girl knight
trust and secrets
a dream of stars, moon, sun
a Queen and her Courts
glitter and gold
words, words, binding words
they speak to serpents, the silver-tongued
longing and loss and maybe love

Roughly: “There is no easy way from the earth to the stars.”

Source: Fashion Gone Rogue
Source: Irene by zemotion
Source: whitneycpbg.com
Source: Magali K.

Alz's Love List (partial inspirational soundtrack included!)

tall, dark, mysterious gentlemen
silk embroidery
water, waves, salt and tears
good manners and bad manners
burn scars
sunken islands
arranged marriages
nightmares come to life
silver shears
steel knitting needles
monsters of fire and shadow

NOW, since it is a LONG WEEKEND here in the U.S. because of Labor Day, I thought it'd be nice to leave you with some laughs.

First up, the K-Pop video sensation that's gone viral over the interwebs and become a meme. You might've heard people talking about doing things "Gangnam Style" and been confused (I was for a while because I was too lazy to look it up), or maybe you've even heard this Korean song playing on your Top 40s radio (I did this week!). Or maybe you've seen gifs.

See more on Know Your Meme

Well, this video is what they're talking about. It's silly, extravagant, catchy, AND it socially commentates! Have fun, and you're welcome.

Crash course on this sensation: Gangnam Style wiki entry
Also: the Atlantic's analytic look at the vid.

And your second laugh, the quirky HILARIOUS New Zealand duo known as Flight of the Concords reunite to write a song for charity! They interview school kids to help them write their song. Here's the result.

Incidentally, Jemaine Clement voiced the dastardly Nigel in the movie RIO, and wrote & performed Nigel's song "Pretty Bird." Best song in the movie!

And Bret McKenzie was the Music Supervisor THE MUPPETS movie, for which he won the Oscar for the song "Man or Muppet." He was also Figwit in the LOTR Trilogy, and he will be playing yet another elf (Lindir) in THE HOBBIT.

Source: G4TV
Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Q4U: What's on your WIP Love List?


  1. Love list for my WIP (Actually, I haven't started writing it yet. It only exists in my mind. But soon...)

    a buried diary
    a cemetery
    truth and lies
    several bags of manure
    a hammer

  2. Controlling mother
    Wacky mother-in-law
    Dead Gram
    Drugs and contraband
    Bride on the run
    Family business
    Rednecks and monster trucks
    trucker and his semi

    Cool idea.

    Hugs and chocolate,


  3. Ohhh, I love your Love List! Want to read this book NOW!

  4. I love that idea!!! Your lists are both fantastic. Here's my love list for ELEGY:

    the French countryside
    an old opera house
    a black violin
    footsteps in the shadows
    a beautiful but haunted musician
    rooms full of watchfulness
    fierce rivalry
    madness and obsession
    the banks of the Seine
    trailing dresses in lamplight

    So much fun!

  5. Ooh, awesome love lists! I should do one! Let's see...

    *gets distracted by bunny being cute*

  6. Krispy you sound like you're writing Daughter of Smoke & Bone. Alz I love your soundtrack!

  7. Your love lists are fascinating! So cool how darkness and magic run through them both. I'd pick up BOTH of your stories based on those lists!

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