
Randomosity on Fridays: Camping Edition

Can someone please slow time down a little? I feel like we've been blasting through summer ever since Memorial Day. I can't believe we're already halfway through July, eep!

So anyway, as you may or may not know, Alz and I are kind of NaNoWriMo addicts, but November is a notoriously bad month for me in terms of having time for writing. It's Thanksgiving, gearing up for end of the year holidays, and a bunch of people's birthdays. It used to be worse during college because November was also midterm season.

Lucky for us, the NaNoWriMo peeps started Camp NaNoWriMo for summer noveling, and like we did last year, we will be participating. Woohoo!

This is probably the only camping either of us will ever do because we both hate bugs and like hot showers.

BUT since it is summer and the time of camping and summer camps and such, I thought I'd thought I'd ask you about YOUR camp experiences. I've never gone on camping trips, but I did go to a week-long Marine Biology Camp in 6th grade and a week-long Astro Camp in 8th grade.

Both were very fun, but we stayed in dorms and had hot food and water. Marine Biology Camp was tons of outdoorsy fun - snorkeling, kayaking, hikes, beach days + learning (of course). Astro Camp was also pretty fun, but I think there was more learning involved. I just remember climbing a tree obstacle course thing and building something out of PVC pipes underwater in a pool. Oh and I'm pretty sure our chaperone hated us. :P

So Q4U: What are your feelings on camping? Have you been camping / to a summer camp?


  1. I live in nature, I don't need to sleep outdoors to appreciate it. I'm not a fan of camping, lol.

    Camp NaNo, on the other hand, that I'm trying again. Looking forward to August.

  2. I'm going to do it this time so I can finish writing a book...quickly. Yeah.

  3. My parents loved camping. So we camped a lot. I do not love camping. Sleeping on the ground is not fun. And the whole public bathroom thing...yuck.

    I'll be cheering for you during Camp NaNo!

  4. I love the outdoors, but don't make me sleep in it. I want walls and a bed. I did have fun camping when I was younger though... in high school my cross-country team would go to Maine for a week and run on the paths there and sleep in tents. I came back with dozens of bugbites and a cold, but hey, the memories were worth it!

  5. I've never been camping or gone to a summer camp--except for summer ballet camps I went to for three years, but that was just a six-hour day thing. Not overnight. Camping outside would be an interesting experience, I think.

  6. I love camping/summer camp! Although I love camping less now than I did when I was younger. Probably because when I was younger, I cared less about having showers, electricity, and looking nice.

    I've never heard of Summer NaNoWriMo, but it sounds awesome. November is sort of a crap month to commit to something that big.

  7. Wasn't big on camping. Went once or twice as a kid, but not having a bathroom with running water didn't suit me :-)

  8. I do like camping, though my mom in particular is not fond of the idea. I remember once our friends went camping and invited us and instead of packing a tent, my mom booked us a room at a lodge near the campgrounds. I was super disappointed I didn't get to actually camp!

    I did get to camp when I got to college, and loved the experience. I think it helped that I always stayed at official campgrounds, and they do have running water and working bathrooms. Yay for hiking and s'more making and star watching! :)

  9. Dude, your marine biology camp sounds awesome! I looove camping and the outdoors, especially backpacking through the mountains *happy sigh* :)

  10. I was one of those rare, east-coast kids that did not go to sleepaway camp. I did a few day camps. One was at the Cloisters in Maryland, and it was so fun!

  11. I'm thinking of doing August Nano too!
