
Weaksauce Wednesdays: Filler Book Post

Today was supposed to be Krispy's Hunger Games Movie Review Part II: Negatives, but due to trying circumstances including but not limited to appropriate explication, playing games on iPad, inserting images, watching Supernatural, actually finishing the actual post, and the necessity of sleep, her post has been delayed.  Come back Friday for Part II!  And check out Part I if you haven't already.

In the meantime, here are some books I've read recently:

Hex Hall was as good as Krispy told me it was.
A Million Suns was so-so to meh; Krispy's still reading it.
I refuse to let Krispy read Everneath because I hated it so much that all my internal organs hemorrhaged in one mass convulsion of rage. Review forthcoming.
I had my choice of Krispy's library books and yet I find myself reading a lot on her Kindle.  Currently on my book-plate are:

When the Sea is Rising Red contains dense, florid, almost purple prose. Not sure how I feel about it yet.
Still reading Entwined on Krispy's Kindle. Still finding it slow and kind of boring.
Krispy read The Assassin and the Pirate Lord and told me it's a fun read. It's okay so far.

In other news, Krispy and I will likely be heading on over to Vroman's Bookstore to see the author of Shatter Me, the lovely Tahereh Mafi.  Also guest starring at this event are Veronica Rossi (Under the Never Sky), Anna Carey (Eve), Cynthia Hand (Hallowed), and Marie Lu (Legend).  I hope it will not be awkward considering that I either didn't wholly like or read their books.  (Krispy and I wrote mini-reviews for Shatter Me and Under the Never Sky.)

Have you seen the Hunger Games movie?  Read any good YA lately?  Read any bad YA lately?


  1. I recently read Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn. It's an indie book, and sometimes you don't know what you're getting with indies. But I enjoyed it, and it was very well written.

  2. Great books! The only one I've read is Pirate Lord, which was okay. I love all of those covers, btw... especially the one for Everneath *drool* Hope you get the sleep you need. Excited to see what you've got for Hunger Games review Part 2!

  3. Saw the Hunger Games and really liked the film.

    I recently read A Spy Like Me by Laura Pauling--so good!!!

  4. I'm reading Cinder and The Book Thief. I'll let you know what I think laters...

    Pirate Lord, eh? Okay, I'll put it on my list.

  5. Hmm I haven't been reading much YA spec fic lately. Need to do something about that!

  6. wowza! sometimes the cover is more moving than the insides, i'm guessing...
