
Spring Into the Future Book Tour 2012

I feel like I haven't chatted with you guys in a while, probably because my last two posts were word-vomit Walls of Text about the Hunger Games movie (HG Part 1, HG Part 2). THANK YOU, btw, for sticking through those. I loved hearing your opinions, and I totally meant to reply to those of you who left comments, but it's been busy-busy in Real Life.

Now, we're sort of back to our regularly scheduled programming!

Last week, Alz, Sophia, and I went to the LA stop of the Spring Into the Future Book Tour, featuring Anna Carey (Eve), Cynthia Hand (Unearthly and Hallowed), Tahereh Mafi (Shatter Me), Veronica Rossi (Under the Never Sky), and special guest Marie Lu (Legend).

This was very exciting for me because it was my first YA Q&A/signing event. I know, I live in the Los Angeles area, how is this possible? Well, I hate driving (I know - totally crazy for a So-Californian to say, but I do), and many of the other YA book tours that have come through that I've been interested in going to have been relatively far away from me, which would force me to navigate unknown freeways and neighborhoods. Also, this is not ideal when it is a weekday night (infamous LA Rush Hours are infamous for a reason). SO, I was quite pleased to learn the LA stop was going to be in a familiar locale for me! :D

Also exciting was meeting Miss Tahereh in person because I feel like I've been chatting with her forever over blogs and Twitter.

Anyway, PICS:

Sophia picked up a copy of Under the Never Sky, a signed bookmark, and a signed poster.

Signing all the things...

So a few months ago, Sophia met Marie Lu on the Breathless Reads tour and helped me get my copy of Legend signed. The "Boba4Life" shout-out was a bonus. Marie Lu remembered this encounter, and somehow this led to everyone on this end of the table finding out Sophia was the first iPod silhouette. Which led to...

Sophia signing an autograph for Tahereh!

Finally meeting Tahereh in person.
Tahereh is as sweet and funny as she is online, though perhaps a tad less CAPS LOCKY, but awesome nonetheless. She also has amazing, very height-advantageous shoes. Hugs were exchanged and I was glad I wore shoes with heels. It was also revealed that my real name is not actually @kangaru.

She also brought cool swag - namely this super shiny, metallic bookmark with very appropriate quote from the book. Isn't it pretty?

I was also sporting "Shatter Me" nails, mostly because I had this nail polish set I hadn't used yet, and they were appropriately the colors of the book cover. For those interested in nail things: base coat was Chanel "Black Satin", followed by a coat of OPI "Spark de Triomphe" (a shimmery gold glitter), topped with OPI Shatter in White, and then top coated.

Me & Sophia- I don't know why we match.

Have you been to any book tours / signings? Or met internet peeps in real life? See you all Friday for a return to randomosity and schneizeleffort! :)


  1. Wow you like told this story better than I did...lolol

    I'm definitely going to have to link to this.

    That was a way fun night. And we match cuz we're the awesome.

  2. I went to a YA book signing once, and it was fantastic--though there were hundreds of people. Sadly, there aren't any in the area I live in now. And Atlanta is a looooong drive away.

  3. Great to see my CP-in-law, Sophia, there! Love the fab pics and the captions! Awesome!

    I've never been to a writer's conference or met any of my internet friends in real life. Living in Canada makes it a challenge considering all my iFriends *grin* are from the states! But, maybe one day! :)

  4. You guys are so adorable!! I wish I could have been there too. We'll definitely meet up one day because I want all of your autographs.

  5. I've met so many cool people at cons. One of my favorites is Sharon Shinn who took the time to talk with me about my own writing. I'll always remember her for that.

  6. Oooh fun! I'd love to go to one of those. IT must be so cool to meet online friends. Someday I'll meet you and Alz and Sophia and we'll get some bubble tea!

  7. The closest I've ever been to meeting an internet friend in real life is that one time you maybe possibly were at our mutual friend's apartment when I was there too. You know. But maybe it doesn't count since that was before we met online. (Not to mention we never actually met and I slept through the whole thing, LOL.)

  8. Hi! This is a long shot but is there any chance that you still happen to have this Shatter Me bookmark? I’m super sorry to bother you but I am looking everywhere for this bookmark to complete my collection. I am a huge fan of the Shatter Me series and I have a very large collection currently, but all I’m missing is the Shatter Me metallic bookmark! If by any chance you still have this bookmark, I’d love to do a trade like #booksfortrade on twitter for it! I have been looking everywhere for this bookmark and so I would be willing to trade multiple books or try do everything I can in exchange. Thank you so much in advance and if you are interested, please email me at angiecham126@gmail.com!
