
April Acrobatics

Welcome to APRIL, everyone! We're back and mostly ready for action! Thanks for bearing with our absence the last week or so and for all your well-wishes and inquiries. As Alz said on our APRIL FOOL'S POST, which featured THE LAST MANATEE prologue, we're mostly healthy again. Well, I think she's like 100%; I'm hovering somewhere at 90% (stupid cough!).

In any case, we're working on a long-o Hunger Games movie review, I'm doing taxes, and I'm suffering from a sore shoulder muscle (I pulled it in my sleep, so now every time I laugh or cough, I am in pain). I also have a Disney princess temporary tattoo above my elbow that refuses to come off.

Dang it, Aurora! Why can't I scrub you off?

So all we have for you today is a video. Behold! Alz's rat revealing acrobatic talents!


Hopefully on Friday, we'll have part of our Hunger Games movie review ready for you. Needless to say I have many FEELINGS about it (not all of them good, but outside of the movie itself, I am coming to love JLawrence and JHutcherson a lot though.)

UPDATE us! What have you been up to? And have you seen the Hunger Games movie yet?


  1. Apotheosis is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must meet.

  2. Aw, that rat is so cute! I've always wanted a rat since I found out they're so intelligent and cuddly.

  3. haven't seen the Hunger Games yet...hopefully this weekend I will!

    Cute tat, LOL!

  4. I saw the movie. I'm okay with it. Aurora, I can't quit you!

  5. Ack! I have to see the movie before your review comes out.

    BTW, try rubbing alcohol on the tat. If that doesn't work, try acetone.

  6. Can't wait for your HG review! :D Also, I just left a comment regarding my thoughts on HG at Kristan Hoffman's blog, and I'm too lazy to type it again so: here. :P
