
Weaksauce Wednesday: Illness

Dear friends, a virus infected me last Friday and sometime over this weekend I infected Krispy.  I am still valiantly battling my way toward health while Krispy may or may not yet succumb to zombiehood.  Only the future will tell.

Between imminent death (not good), watching copious amounts of Rome (very good), and reading Incarnate (not good), we didn't have a blog post prepped for today.  And given our schedules and general sickness and schneizeleffort we have decided to take a brief blogging break for the rest of March.

We return you to your regularly scheduled madness on April 1st, which in fact is not regularly scheduled because it's a Sunday, but we have something very special to share with you all and hope you will join us in celebration of a revelation unlike any other occasion!

Until then, my friends, good health to you all.  And remember: Always shoot zombies in the head.


  1. I've heard that shooting zombies in the knee so they can't come after you is also helpful. I'll keep this in mind if you guys decide to try to infect me :) Feel better!!!

  2. I've been wondering what happened to you guys :( I hope you feel better!

  3. Ack...an announcement/revelation and you're making me wait?! :(

    I hope you both feel better soon!! I'll miss you while you're gone.

  4. Awww, feel better soon!

  5. Promise to shoot you both in the head to end your suffering. Mmm... Marcus Aurelius abs. Wait, why am I holding this shotgun, again?

    Hope y'all feel better soon!

  6. I feel your pain and hope you both get better soon.

  7. Me too. I've been coughing all week. Viral suckage.

    So this blog intrigues me. I'm your newest follower (except on Bloglovin, so I can't actually prove it). I'm pretty sure I'll be completely lost for the first few posts, but hopefully I'll be able to catch up.

  8. That dratted virus! So sorry you guys are sick. Feel better soon! Say no to zombiehood!

  9. Oh no, feel better soon! Hope to see more reviews when you guys come back in April. :) Looking forward to your big announcement, whatever it is! :D
