
Wordless Wednesday: Be Prepared

Bet you thought I was joking about conquering the world with manatees...

Go ahead and laugh.

P.S. A while ago, Krispy asked Lydia for suggestions on slow-attacking diseases. Lydia had some great ideas, the gist of which she shared this week in her Medical Mondays post. Check out Prions from Outer Space. It'll make you grateful your proteins are normal!

And if you have a medical-related question yourself, be sure to check her Medical Mondays archive or drop her an email!


  1. EGADS! Attack of the manatees. I shall find some way to fend myself against their fluffy thunder :-)

    And I read that post about the prions and got sort of creeped out. I know it isn't running rampant and all but...whoa.

  2. Seeing all your stuffed manatees, reminded me of the song "Barbara Manatee." Ack. I hope that refrain doesn't keep singing in my head all afternoon. :)

  3. Manatees! Err, quite a lot of manatees.


  4. Lydia's super awesome!!!!!!

  5. I read the link. Prions are horrifying.

    Oooh, an attack of manatees. I better hide.

  6. Ha! I think the world being taken over by manatees isn't too bad. Hopefully they'd be benevolent dictators...

  7. Now, if there was such a thing as a manatee-shaped prion, that would be something.

    Or better yet, manatee AS prion. If the manatee gets too close, *poof*, You turn into a manatee.

    *scribbles notes for next sci-fi novel*
