
Photo Friday: NYC

I can't believe it's October already! I realized that my NYC vacation was exactly a month ago. ALREADY. Where is the time going?

In any case, here are the pics I promised.

Central Park

Belvedere Castle
Night 1:
1. Fashion's Night Out at Kiehl's Flagship Store where we spotted Kim from America's Next Top Model and actor Alan Cumming.

2. Karaoke in K-Town to ring in the sister's 21st birthday at midnight!

Night-time celebrations for the Sister's birthday at 230 Fifth, a rooftop bar/lounge. The Empire State Building was our backdrop.

With our gracious hostess
With the Birthday Girl!

Chill day sleeping in. Caught the Cal football game at The Australian (the official Cal bar); we won! Then hookah at night.

Museum-hopping Day! Up first, messing around at the Natural History Museum.

Actually, this is in Central Park. Romeo + Juliet.

Followed by The Met, where I saw a portrait of my darling.

Hey there, Hamilton!

Google + Hamilton = Day of EPIC WIN.

We went to Google's NYC offices. It was a cornucopia of continuous awesome - what with the utter cuteness of everything (themed meeting rooms! scooters!) and the delicious food! Once you work there, how do you ever leave?

Also, they have their own library, which includes digital touchscreen walls that allows you to select a book and read its summary.

Yes, that's a secret room behind bookcase.

Alexander Hamilton Memorial at beautiful Trinity Church on Broadway and Wall Street.

We meet again, Alexander!
Brunch at Alice's Tea Cup, then off to the Guggenheim.

The Guggs.

Down near Wall Street: my sister + the cube

First stop, Hamilton's house, The Grange. Second stop, Columbia University. Then it was shopping and lunch and then off to the airport!

The Grange, still being renovated!

Columbia University
Hamilton building

Shapely legs! This tidbit from Ron Chernow's  Hamilton biography!

Hope you enjoyed! I wish you all a happy dappy weekend, and I hope I haven't totally scared you off with my weirdness. Hah.

October Q4U: Are you dressing up for Halloween? If yes, what's your costume?


  1. God, you are so adorable. But next time you meet Hammy I expect to see you blowing him some kisses. ;)

    My big plans for Halloween involve sitting on my front porch handing out candy and trying not to eat all the good stuff before the kids get here. I may or may not go fancy dress. Undecided. My go-to costumes are Elle "California Mountain Snake" Driver (wig and eyepatch), or not-so-dirty hippie. Think trustafarian.

    PS, your hair looks fabulous and how amazing is that b&w b-day party dress? Love it!

  2. Love the photos! (And they were great pictures of you--very photogenic.)

    The Google offices are amazing!! Secret rooms?!? Wow.

  3. It looks like you had a wonderful trip. I like the empire state building all lit up in that one picture, too. Have a great weekend!

  4. My Alma mater! Sounds like you had a splendiferous time! This Halloween I am dressing up as a harried working mom.

    Waaaait a sec...

  5. Look how good you look in NYC! I've been convinced that Cali people have taken over my hometown and this just proof - you guys look perfect for the New New York.

  6. Adore the photos! You look really wonderful in them.

    And oooh, the Google offices! They look amazing.

  7. Okay, I think it's a thing for any of my NYC-bound friends to visit Alice's Tea Cup. MUST GO.

    Also, Y U SO ADORABLE? ;_;

  8. Great photos! :)

    Loved reading about your trip.

    No, not dressing up for Halloween this year.

  9. Awesome pictures. I might be going in the winter, so I'll keep these places in mind. :)

  10. What fanTASTIC pictures! I love them all! Highlights: you and your peeps are all freakin' gorgeous. I did not know you were in love with George Hamilton, and as a Canadian I only have a passing knowledge of him, but now want to know more. And you guys know how to tour a city! Whew!
