
Randomosity on Fridays: Be Bold Edition

A hand lettering doodle for you this lovely Friday.

I'll post NYC pics next week.

I hope you enjoy this last day of September and have a great weekend! READ!

It's the start of a new month already, and I just realized the next book in Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series is out Tuesday! So excited for The Son of Neptune!

What are you reading / looking forward to reading?


  1. I've just received my copy of LOLA AND THE BOY NEXT DOOR yesterday, and am so excited to dive in. :)

  2. The next book in the Olympians is coming out?! Wow, the first one in the new series is still in my to-be-read stack. I'd better get to it.

  3. Holy crap, is that the new Lost Hero book? How is it I always get my Camp Half-Blood news from you? ;)

    I'm re-reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Already. And I'm enjoying it even more the second time around. Goliath was awesome, as expected. Don't forget to read the author's note at the end!

  4. I purchased so many good books recently: Lola and the Boy Next Door, Mercy Lily, If I Tell.

    You won my giveaway contest for a signed copy of The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. We'll be in touch, Krispy.

  5. I've got a copy of Outlander waiting on my nightstand, as soon as I finish Lisa See's Peony in Love! And THEN I'll be finished with the stack I bought from Borders. Whatever shall I do next? Oh yeah, BUY MORE BOOKS! :)

  6. I'm reading Steinbeck's THE GRAPES OF WRATH, and as soon as I finish it I'll be diving into Lena Coakley's WITCHLANDERS! I can't wait!

  7. NYC pics! Woot!

    I'm reading SUPERNATURALLY right now. I'm not sure what I'm most interested in reading next. I need to get excited about something ....

  8. I have countless books on my TBR list. I need to dig them up and start reading. I have the Sisters Red in there somewhere...

  9. Gosh, there's so many books to read, it's hard to choose where to start! ;D

  10. I just picked up the new Rick Riordan for my son today. He was very happy to get home from school and find it in his room. He's already half way through it. I think he'd be done if homework didn't get in the way :)

    I'm looking forward to reading Crossed by Ally Condie. Counting down the days until that comes out!
