
Writing Wednesday: Camp NaNoWriMo

Short post for you today since I totally did NOT time manage myself well.

So after lots of peer pressure from Alz and Sophia, and then after I accidentally peer pressured Linda into doing it, I signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo!

You see, I've always thought November was a bad month for me in terms of number of outside commitments and time versus novel writing. So summer is actually a much better time for me. I just wish there had been a bit more planning involved on my part. On the other hand, I've always found myself jumping into NaNo all willy-nilly. So here we are.

The bright side is I'm starting work on a story that I've been mulling over since like January. So it's pretty exciting.

My fellow blogger participants are Alz, Sophia, and Linda. Hopefully, we can get in a cabin together. My username is kangaru, and I've linked all our NaNo profiles for anyone who wants to give us a hard time for not writing enough (or you know, encouragement is nice). ;)

So anyway, if the blog posts are strangely lacking and/or short this month, you now know why. That and I'm celebrating my Quarter-Century birthday soon & going to Disneyland like every other weekend. Needless to say, maybe summer isn't a better time for me for novel-writing.

Second order of business, I finally have the winner of the e-subscription to Danyelle's Fairy Godmother Dilemma! Using random.org, the winner is...


Congrats! I'll email you with deets on how you can start reading.

That's it for now, friends. Anyone else signing up for Camp NaNoWriMo? (We can sing songs and have s'mores!)


  1. Congrats on tackling Camp NaNoWriMo! I'm intrigued by this cabin concept. Best of luck!

  2. Camp Nano is such a good idea! I may have to take your idea of getting my writing butt in gear for this month and just go with it.

    Congrats to Mary for winning.

  3. I'm too slow of a writer to do any form of NaNo, but I'm eager to hear how you all do!

  4. Ooo. I looked at the site--very cool!

  5. I've never heard of Camp NaNo, but I totally agree that summer is a better time for writing than November. Even though this summer has been crazy hectic, Novembers are always tough. Have fun!!

  6. I did Nano in 2009. It was actually the manuscript that ultimately got me my agent. I tend to draft very quickly anyway, though, so it wasn't tough for me. I'm just a really slow editor...

    Good luck!

  7. Also, I forgot to say that i love the concept of Camp Nano. Summer is way better than November.

  8. I've just finished going through ANOTER first draft earlier this year, before hearing about camp nanowrimo. :(
    Right now I'm saving my energy for nanowrimo instead. So I wish you lots of fun and good luck.
    My sn is "akoss" in case you want to add me to your cabin for the future.

  9. I've also signed up for CampNaNo, but so far, I've been a terrible terrible participant. Good luck to you!

  10. LOL on accidentally peer pressuring me into it. :P Definitely agree that summer is way better! And yay for being cabin mates. :D I am so holding you to the song-singing and s'more-making, hehe.
