
Wordless Wednesday...not really.

This Wednesday post brought to you by Krispy nanoing furiously with Alz as her Taskmaster. Also, I doodled this entirely on my touchpad because I didn't have my pen tablet with me am a BAMF. Also again, that is indeed Krispy, as I have always drawn her, because that's what she REALLY looks like, despite what you may otherwise think based on mere photographic evidence.

I asked Krispy just now if she has anything to add.  She says, "I'm dying."  This because of actually writing nano and not because I have full-body-tackled her for failing to write.


  1. I understand the failing to write thing. I have so much stuff going around in my head, I can hardly ever get it all down. And then, sometimes when I do, it does turn out nearly so well as I had envisioned.

  2. I understand the failing to write thing. I have so much stuff going around in my head, I can hardly ever get it all down. And then, sometimes when I do, it does turn out nearly so well as I had envisioned.

  3. Hahahaha go Krispy! You can do it! (This from the girl who's already given up. :P) But yes, I am a fan of thinking (though maybe the more focused kind). I'm hoping that if I do as much thinking as I can beforehand, the writing will go faster. We'll see how it goes, though.

    Love the illustrations, Alz! :D

  4. I love this cartoon. Perhaps because that was me last night. I've since learned to close my laptop while I'm thinking and stare only at my notebook. It's not nearly as intimidating (or mean).

  5. You can do it!! Have a piece of chocolate to jumpstart your writing--it releases all those writing endorphins. (At least, that's what I tell myself.)

  6. That's exactly how I thought Krispy looked... Wait, are those cat ears? o_O

    This was me last night. Anytime my furious typing stops, my husband starts hovering to see if I've finished yet. I've taken to clicking on the keyboard when I'm thinking. Sneaky, sneaky. ;)

  7. You can do it, Krispy!

    That has been me, too, for a lot of days this past month. I end up just staring at the computer!

  8. Oh, I've been there. For many hours. Good luck!

  9. Haha, you guys are too funny! I love your doodles. Keep them coming, and good luck on Nanoing!

  10. ROFL you guys totally crack me up. So Krispy. Did the thinking pay off? Did you NaNo and Win-Oh?

  11. So how'd that go? We'll have to boba to catch me up. (and I promised to decry Alz's black heart)

    I can't believe Alz showed her, um, face on the internet!

  12. The awesomeness that is you two is a beautiful thing to behold. O:)

    *writing cookies* Krispy!

  13. :D This is so awesome.

    I hope you had a successful last-day-of-Nano yesterday!
