
Sarah Rees Brennan Week

Look! It's a special Monday post!

Just popping in real quick to let you all know that I'm participating in Sarah Rees Brennan Week, hosted by YA Bibliophile and The Reading Housewives of Indiana.

Basically, we're celebrating the awesomeness that is Sarah Rees Brennan and her Demon's Lexicon trilogy. The third book, The Demon's Surrender is out TOMORROW, and it is one of the books I've been most anticipating for 2011.

Be sure to check out YA bibliophile and The Reading Housewives today and throughout the week for book reviews, Sarah interviews, and (everyone's favorite) giveaways! Each day, they will also be linking to other blogs that are celebrating SRB Week.

Today, YA bibliophile is giving away signed copies of the first 2 books, The Demon's Lexicon and The Demon's Covenant.

And The Reading Housewives have an interview with Sarah Rees Brennan and a giveaway for a copy of The Demon's Surrender.

I'll be back Wednesday with a post of substance for the Demonic fun times. ;) See you then!


  1. I didn't know it was coming out tomorrow!

    Thanks for the post. :)

  2. Awesome! Will definitely be back on Wednesday. :D

  3. I haven't read any of hers, but I need to. (*digs up TBR list*)
    Thanks Krispy!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oooh, this is a surprise for me about you :) yay for giveaways - not like I need any more on my TBR

  6. That's awesome. I haven't read these books yet, but I'd like to.

  7. Awesome! I read LEXICON, but haven't read the second one yet. This inspires me to get on the ball! Thanks Krispy!
