
Wordless Wednesday: Taiwan

I'm back from Berkeley and had a wonderful but tiring weekend in San Francisco. So in place of a word-filled post about my ancestral homeland, I will simply show you. (You know what they say about how many words pictures are worth.)

(not to be confused with Thailand. Yes, I've had someone ask me before if I was Thai when I talked about Taiwan.)

Northern Taiwan

Taipei 101
LingJiushan: where a temple to Matsu, the sea goddess is located.

Hualien / Taroko Gorge
Danshui waterfront at sunset
Sudden summer rainstorm in Taipei
Shilin Night Market: food, clothes, cutesy accessories...
Example of a night market stand for cutesy accessories.

Remains of Longteng Bridge, part of the Old Mountain train line.
Inside a temple in Taichung.
Southern Taiwan
Tainan: Chikan Towers w/stone tablets from the Ching Dynasty

Ancient remains I studied during my internship in Nanke.
On the Ferry from the Chijin District of Kaohsiung
National Scenic Area in Kenting
Very southern part of Taiwan: Kenting, known for its beaches.
Lastly, some of you may recall an old profile pic of mine where I'm glancing off to the side all angelic-like. Well, here's the actual pic, which I had done in Taiwan. So yeah, all that is professional camera & make-up magic.

There's a whole trend for studio pics in Taiwan that started with wedding photography and grew into other areas - family portraits, glamor shots for young people. A few of my friends did it, and it seemed fun, so I did it too. I bring this studio pic thing up because not only does it seem to be a recent Taiwanese pop culture thing, but Grace Lin's author photo in the jacket flap of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is also a Taiwanese studio pic. I thought it'd be a fun fact to share.

See you all Friday when I will continue the pic spam, but this time with FOOD! I had way too many pictures of that to include here. LOOK FORWARD TO IT!

P.S. If you've got any burning and/or random questions, there's still time to ask me or Sophia, and we'll vlog you our answers!


  1. Fantastic photos!!

    BTW, I finally got around to reading Across the Universe after reading the review here. I loved the book! Thanks.

  2. Those pictures are beautiful. I can't wait to see the ones of food, yum.

  3. This makes me miss Taiwan SO MUCH. I've never been to the south - still so much to see.

    My little 'Sis' is Taiwanese Hakka and super proud.

  4. Beautiful pix! I so need to see that part of the world!

  5. This was the picture you were wearing when I first "met" you. :) I always thought it made you look like a fairy princess! I love it!

    These pictures of Taiwan are stunning! Thank you so much for sharing. I'd love to hear the history, story behind the ancient remains. Who were they? Why are they buried together like that? Why is one face down, but the other on their side?

  6. I love your studio pict! You look like a princess.

    Those photos of Taiwan are great. I can't wait to go visit someday!
