
APA Month 2011 Kick-Off

Happy May, peeps! Can you believe we're already 5 months into 2011?! It's crazy!

As some of you may know (especially if you've been hanging out here a while), May is also Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month! This is near and dear to us here at A Nudge because we are Asian Americans, who think that part of our heritage is pretty frikkin' awesome.

So all through the month of May, we will be posting on APA-related topics. Last year, we had some book reviews, short essays on relevant issues (e.g. racebending, the importance of ethnic studies), and people/groups/blog features. This year, we hope to bring you more of the same, but better planned!

That's not to say we're going to be 100% SRS BSNS (don't worry!). There will be plenty of randomosity and funny as well - like posts about my favorite Taiwanese desserts or how I spent a week sleeping in a warehouse full of ancient babies in pots (trufax and relevant!).

So, we hope you will join us in celebrating APA Month, either by stopping by or making posts yourself!

If you are doing APA posts during May, please do let me know because I'd love to link you!

For more info on APA Month, check out the Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month website and the White House's new AAPI blog.

P.S. Also, HAPPY STAR WARS DAY! May the Fourth be with you! (Yeah, I went there.)


  1. sounds interesting! looking forward to reading your posts!

  2. I'm looking forward to recipes (Taiwanese desserts)! My sister-in-law is Singaporean and introduced us to chicken sate with spicy peanut sauce, which is now a favorite at our house.

  3. This'll be awesome! And hey, I have faith that you guys could turn SRS BSNS into fun any day. :)

  4. How awesome! As an Asian American, I'll have to think up a post! haha. In the mean time, I'm looking forward to seeing what goes up here :)

  5. Really looking forward to your posts! My dad is Japanese:) Especially those Taiwanese desserts!

  6. Hooray for APA month! Going over now.
