
Liar, Liar! The Krispy Edition

It is MARCH! Can you believe it?

March is a big month because it's got the youngsters' Spring Break and a number of birthdays (not as hectic as November though!). It's also big because (as many of you probably already know), LiLa's book, The Liar Society, is out in the world!

Lisa and Laura's blog was one of the first I started following when I really dove into the blogosphere. They're a sweet, sassy, and funny sisterly duo, and you're seriously missing out if you're not following their blog exploits already! Plus, one of their book giveaways was the first giveaway I ever won from the Interwebz!

So to celebrate the Liar Society book release, I've gone pink (you can too by emailing or tweeting a pic to LiLa) and I'm going to treat you to 3 truths and a lie.

Can you guess which is which?

1. I was once part of a fake girl pop group. It was mostly an inside joke, but we did actually perform...

2. My friends and I re-enacted (and filmed) a key scene from Star Wars Episode III at the beach...in our two-piece swimsuits.

3. I'm ambidextrous...like President Garfield.

4. I can recite all 50 states in alphabetical order at the drop of a dime.

Your turn! Tell me your truths in the comments, along with your guesses as to which are mine! Come back Friday for the answers and for Alz's 3 truths and a lie!

P.S. For more Liar Society fun, click the pic of Kate at the top of the sidebar for a chance to win a copy of the book!


  1. ohmigosh I love that pic! Very um, seductive or something. ;)

    And your lie's really well done because I totally can't just pluck it out. But I guess I'll go with the Star Wars reenactment because even if it is a truth, I want to hear more about it!

  2. 1. You are HOT. Especially with pink hair.

    2. I'm PRAYING that #1 is true and that you have video somewhere.

  3. Oooh, I guess that #3 is the lie, only because I so badly want the others to be true. ;)

    Fun post!

  4. P.S.
    Thank you for the shout out and for all of your support! <3

  5. Love that pic and the pink hair!

    Ooh, a lie -- I'd guess #2, though I can totally see it happening.

  6. I'm going to guess #3 is a lie because I want all of the other things to be true. :D

  7. Great picture! I'm very excited for this book! :)

    Hehe.. I agree with everyone here.. I think #3 is the lie too.

  8. I'm going to guess #2 because honestly, I have no idea!
    Hey, pink looks quite fetching on you!
