
Randomosity on Fridays: Mixed Bag Edition!

It is PRESIDENT'S DAY weekend! Luckily, I do actually get Monday off. I hope you all do too, especially since we all deserve a nice mini-vacay every once in a while and celebrating presidents is awesome! :)

Even though I am still tired from last week, I'm going to San Francisco and Berkeley this weekend with my favorite ladies for a girls' weekend out. It will be epic and awesome-o. Maybe there will be pictures, and how I do miss the Bay Area. The Bay Area evidently misses me too because it's welcoming me with its characteristic moody weather, which means wind and rain. To think I came back from all that SNOW for this...


1. Alz and I are working on a new WIP. It's exciting and fun and a little bit creeptastic! We've been talking about it so much that when Alz suggested I do a "WIP Wednesday" post on a story I'd been brainstorming before this one, it took me a moment to realize what she was talking about.

2. A mysterious package arrived for me earlier this week from Penguin Teen. Inside was this awesomeness:

Breathless Reads pins! Signed Across the Universe!
Yeah, it's pretty freaking cool. It was their Thank You for helping out with the blogosphere launch of the Godspeed. I totally forgot about it, so it was a very pleasant surprise. Even more awesome was the SIGNED copy of AtU actually addressed to me. THANKS Penguin! THANKS Beth!

3. This past weekend, Luce, the sister, and I overdosed on 90s music videos and performances. Oh nostalgia! Also, they just don't make boy bands like they used to because those dudes could dance and sing, and they did not use backtracks during live performances the way a lot of people seem to do now. Props.

Photo from Bread et Butter
4. Thursday was the 15th day of the new lunar year, which marks the end of the New Year's celebrations. Accordingly, my mom made one of my favorite Chinese desserts: tang yuan (rice balls) with sesame filling. SO GOOD.

5. Oh and belated Chicago stories. I mentioned there was A LOT OF SNOW. It was also a frigid -2 degrees one morning. MINUS 2. I don't even... I had to scrape ice off the car windshield. I've never had to do that in my life. I also missed terribly the ability to wear just ONE layer of pants.

But it was fun and much good food was had.  I totally want to go again when I'm actually there on vacation and have time to do fun things. Warmer weather would also be preferable. Here are pictures:

Me, pushing the bean. I don't know why...

The Bean!

A snowman that I did not make in Millennium Park.

What's your mixed bag of random this week?

Have a lovely, non-rainy, non-snowy weekend everyone!


  1. Nice swag! Lucky! ;)

    Thanks for sharing the pics. Brr, that looks like a lot of snow.

    I do not have Monday off, which sucks, because I'll probably still be hung-over from Saturday. I'm walking in Krewe du Vieux!

    I do, however, get Lundi (Monday) Gras and Mardi (Tuesday) Gras off. Which totally makes up for not having President's Day and MLK Day off.

    Random enough for ya?

    Have a great weekend, ladies!


  3. That's awesome that you got a sign of Beth's book. Congratulations.

  4. It's so awesome that you guy go a signed copy of AtU! And yay for having Monday off. I'm jealous. ;)

    Good luck to you and Alz on your WiP!

  5. Love the bean! And the guilty pleasure of the 90's music. Hee hee.

  6. I'll be in Chicago next winter.

    I love those pins.

    I have a blog award for you.

  7. LOVE TANG YUAN. I have a bag of frozen ones from my mom in my freezer right now. Mmm, they are delicious after a long day. :)

  8. I love all the photos!!! Especially the signed copy of Across the Universe (talk about jealous)!!!!

    I was blessed to get today off as well and have been hard at work blogging!
