
Banned Books Week & THANKS!

Quick mid-week post because I couldn't hold back any longer, and plus, it's an important week.

FIRST, I'd like to say a ginormous THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by and commented on our Compelling Characters blog post. We really had no idea it would be received so well, and we loved reading your comments (and posts)! So thanks!

And what the who now?! We got to over 50 followers in the course of like 2 days, my head is still reeling from the quickness! (That or my head is still recovering from the UNREAL EPICNESS that was MUSE at the Staples Center, but I digress.)

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to those of you who thought we were cool enough to follow! YOU are the coolest.

Wasn't that blogfest fun? I'm still reading posts!

SECOND, it's Banned Books Week here in the U.S.!

The week celebrates the importance of intellectual freedom and the freedom to read. Intellectual freedom and the effects of censorship are both important topics, period, but they're important to me because I'm an avid reader, who learned A LOT from books. My parents are great and super involved in my life, but they let me read whatever I wanted to read, trusting me to choose what I thought was okay for me, and for that I am very, very grateful. (That and I think they were just really glad I was book-inclined, rather than playing-inclined.)

So all of this is also about individual choice, and I am a big fan of that.

I planned on celebrating by reading SPEAK, but I got my hands on both Blameless by Gail Carriger and The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff. So I'm celebrating by just READING what I want, when I want, and how I want (which at this juncture is both books at the same time). I do plan on reading SPEAK soon though.

Speaking of celebrations, the writers at The League of Extraordinary Writers are posting on banned books all week. So go check that out!

I'm a big fan of often challenged and banned To Kill a Mockingbird, which is poignant, beautiful, and brilliant.

What challenged or banned books are YOU a fan of?

See you Friday!

P.S. My dear Alz did a fun post way back about Animal Group Names. Here's a fun follow-up I saw tweeted: A Guide to Supernatural Collective Nouns.

I know I need that. I've got angels and beasties and all sorts of anthropomorphic what-have-yous running around. And don't get me started on the tangle of cosmic serpents!


  1. I've read so many of the books that have been banned and most of them I can't understand what people are objecting to. I mean, Captain Underpants? Come on, people! They really need to find something better to do with their time!

  2. SO so many (I mean Lorax?)I could go on and on!!!

  3. It is really sad that people try to ban books that they disagree with. Whatever happened to freedom of speech?

  4. I'm drawing a blank, lol. I know, I should be smarter than that. But I really want to read Speak! Does that count?

  5. Sherrie- I totally agree! Or they ban books for REALLY SURFACE reasons. It's like, Um, I think you missed the point.

    Christina- OMG, the Lorax! What are they objecting too?! Environmentalism?

    Rayna- What you said. :)

    Ali- That totally counts! I really want to read SPEAK too!
