
Randomosity on Fridays

I don't even know where to begin. This has been a tiring week guys, but it's mostly my own fault. I stayed up reading instead of sleeping. It's something when I consistently sacrifice sleep for a book. So here's a short and random 5.

1. Over the course of this week, I have finished both The Hunger Games and Catching Fire. There's been so much reading and sacrificing of sleep involved that I have been dreaming about the arena. Luckily, the dreams mostly involve my making my way through forest. I finished Catching Fire today, and I CANNOT WAIT for Tuesday. Mockingjay!!!

2. Also, I am giving away a copy of The Hunger Games here because it is THAT GOOD.

3. I'm neither Team Peeta or Team Gale. If anything, I'm Team Katniss because she's a BAMF and really, I think she's got a lot of other stuff on her plate at the moment to worry about. (I do adore Peeta though, and Gale is kind of hot, but really I love another.)

4. I am obsessed with a card game my friend taught me called NERTS. It's like Solitaire mixed with Speed mixed with INTENSE competition. Luce, her sister, Alz, my sister, and I have been having NERTS parties almost every night this week. It is exhausting but fun. And then I slink off to read Catching Fire after they've gone...

5. I have no idea what to read next. I'm feeling that post-book void now that Catching Fire is behind me. I was in the middle of both Sapphique and The Sky is Everywhere, and I have Graceling waiting in the wings. I think Sapphique will win out since that was my ZOMG sequel before I jumped into The Hunger Games. That and my brain is so full of danger and intrigue, I don't think I could handle the lovely but much slower pace of The Sky is Everywhere.

What's on your reading list currently? Are you excited for Mockingjay (this feels like a rhetorical question)?! I'm going to try to get some extra sleep this weekend. TGIF!

P.S. (What are my posts without these random post scripts?) Tahereh has reinforced her utter AWESOMENESS again by having a contest that blows many other contests (including my own!) out of the water. MONEY FOR BOOKS. No seriously, check it out because it closes soon.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet, I'm Team Katniss, too! I've never heard anyone else say that before. I guess that's why I like ya. ;)

    Yes, I've preordered Mockingjay on my nook, so I should get it first thing in the morning on Tuesday.

    I'm going to re-read Catching Fire this weekend.

    Hope you enjoy it as much as I plan to!
