
Randomosity on Fridays: Real or NOT Real Edition

Obviously, I have Mockingjay on the brain, but I will refrain from spoilers because that's not cool. I even dreamed I was in the Hunger Games when I was reading the first book. Luckily, it wasn't anything scary - other than being in the arena aware that other people are trying to kill you and your partner is kind of useless because he's injured and not at all taking things seriously. But otherwise, it was okay - just me hiking through the woods.

I am so tired, guys, from all the crazy reading and staying up late to read because sleep and being a zombie at work was totally worth it. Or at least I thought so at the time (I'm really feeling it now at the end of the week), but mostly it was worth it. Onwards and upwards!

So you tell me, real or not real?

1. I read the entire Hunger Games trilogy + Sapphique in a week.

2. It has taken me nearly a month to read The Sky is Everywhere.

3. Lucky Macbook is lucky! My friend and I each won a Mockingjay pin from Scholastic in their last giveaway. We both entered on my Macbook.

4. Mockingjay made me switch teams.

5. I am going to New York for a week mid-September.

6. I just bought these Steve Madden oxford booties for nearly half off the retail price.

7. I have not slept more than 5 hours this week.

8. There is still time to enter the Good Karma giveaway where a copy of The Hunger Games, sharks, and a nice journal are up for grabs. The odds actually are in your favor.

What's REAL and NOT REAL in your life lately? Last weekend of August! ENJOY IT!

ANSWERS after the cut.

1. NOT REAL: It was more like 1.5 weeks. Monday before Mockingjay Day was a day of agony for me because I had been done with Sapphique by Friday (after I'd finished Catching Fire), and I couldn't wait for Mockingjay.

2. REAL: It's a lovely book, but I got side-tracked and then swept away by the Hunger Games madness and then Sapphique. I'm finally finishing this one up.

3. REAL: Looks like naming my lucky win after my luck demon was a good idea. Can't believe we BOTH won a pin!

4. NOT REAL: I already adore Peeta, and while my affection for Gale grew in Mockingjay, I'm still FIRMLY Team Katniss. Besides, I'm in love with Finnick Odair. Yeah, that's right. Finnick fangirl.

5. REAL: I'll be in NYC starting the 2nd weekend of September, staying with my old Cal roomies. Yay! Anything I should definitely go do?

6. REAL: Saw them in store, but didn't love them enough (not a fan of shiny leather) to buy them at full price. The lower price on Amazon made me waver enough to proceed to checkout, and thanks to some mysterious promotion, they're practically half off store-price! WIN.

7. NOT REAL: The night I finished Mockingjay was a 5 hour night - well, less than 5 because my brain was too restless to properly shut down. The other nights were more like 6 to 6.5 hour nights.

8. REAL! So go enter! You have until Sunday night, Pacific time!


  1. I got so many of those wrong! I'm a really bad guesser!
    I haven't read Mockingjay yet, but I'm looking forward to it!

  2. LOL. I'm usually pretty bad at guessing too. :) I hope you have a chance to get to Mockingjay. Just be prepared for your brain to be a little out of commission for a few days.
