
Happy New Year Again!

In celebration, I bring you my constant companions—four mountain walruses by name of George, John, Paul and Ringo. May their ineffable cuteness bring you good fortune in the year to come!

I ate my last hamburger of the year today, I worked more on a necklace, I am still fiddling but near completion on my first crude wax ring carving, and picked up some polyfill from the craft store so that future plushy endeavors will continue to be a few pounds over curvy pleasingly plump.

Go out there and stare at the moon—as Krispy said, it's a blue one!


  1. happy new year to both of you as well. may it be grand and glorious.

  2. *hearts walruses*

    Very cute.

    Happy New Year to the both of you!

  3. Thanks! Happy New Year to you too!

  4. Happy New Year again and again! For at least the month of January, I don't get tired of saying it...then again, now that I think about it, I don't often go around in February wishing people happy new year, I suppose... :D
