
Character Chats

So recently through the wonders of the internet (Twitter-hopping in this case), I made the acquaintance of the lovely Danyelle (aka Windsong) at Carpe Mousa. A few weeks ago, she started a fun exercise titled Character Chats, in which a prompt is posted for characters to respond to.

I tried one out this last week and my entry was one of the ones chosen to my surprise and delight! :) The prompt was about Obligations and Duty. So if you're interested in meeting one of my favorite angels or just joining in on the fun, pop on over to this Character Chat post at Carpe Mousa and check out the other entry from Yunaleska - about a princess who must make hard choices - while you're at it.


  1. Your entry was awesome! I love your premise. It translates very well to the daily decisions we make that end up affecting the world. Very nice, and thanks for contributing!

  2. Thanks again! I liked the prompt a lot because it's something I think everyone can relate to. Sometimes you feel like you have an obligation to do something, but it might not be what you want or something that necessarily sits well with you.

  3. There's something for you here: http://myth-takes.blogspot.com/ :D
